Discussions Torah

Ready for restoration? (Deuteronomy 32)

At times we can feel so lost or out of control that there seems to be no way back to normal. The “lyrics” of the “Song of Moshe” (Moses), recorded in the Torah reading Ha’azinu (Deuteronomy 32), foretold of a time when Israel would wander so far from the One Who freed them from slavery in Mitzraim (Egypt) that the would appear to be lost forever.

While this is not an uplifting number, Israel is commanded to memorize it. That’s because the song shows the only way they would be able to return to the LORD.

Let’s find out more about why the redeemed from the world on the Day of the LORD will be singing the Song of Moshe and the Song of the Lamb (Rev. 15:3–4).

Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Genesis 23:1-25:18: Believers’ bargain bonanza from Sarah and Rivkah

Why did Abraham the nomadic “father of faith” pay so much for a tomb for his wife Sarah? What’s the connection between Abraham’s and King David’s picking a certain son as the successor over other, older sons? Are does the symbol of a well in the account of Yitzkhak marrying Rivkah and in Yeshua’s encounter with the Samaritan woman teach us about the Mashiakh’s work of bringing new life out of death? These are questions tackled in this discussion of the Torah portion Chayei Sarah (“life of Sarah”), covering Genesis 23-25.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

John 15:25–16:11: Tag-team Comforters of Israel

It is not a slip of the pen that the apostle Yokhanan (John) uses the same Greek to describe Yeshua as our Advocate and the Holy Spirit as our Helper. Both know our deepest anguish. Yeshua lived it Himself, and the Holy Spirit experiences it in us. They work as a team.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Mark of a gift: Messianic meaning of circumcision

Modern society views the rite of circumcision to be backward at best and barbaric at worst. Yet, it actually is a cutting memorial of what God has cut away from the faithful — men and women — through the Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus).

Discussions Prophets and Writings Tabernacles The Eighth Day

1st Kings 8: Chiastic teaching ties together messianic figures Moshe, David and Shlomo

A chiastic structure buried in 1st Kings 8 compares messianic figures of Moshe (Moses), David and Shlomo (Solomon) by changing up the historical and thematic order of them. This swapping is very important because it reveals elements of the character of the Messiah.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Kings 5: Meet the King of Tyre who will help Solomon build the Temple

Solomon is a Messianic figure and Solomon is building a house for God’s name and Yeshua, the Messiah is building God’s name, not in a building but in His people.

This is a Messianic chapter and we are learning about the foundations of God’s house.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

Parallel of Solomon and Yeshua entries to Yerushalayim (1st Kings 1)

Solomon’s assent to kingship mimics the triumphant entry of Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ) into Yerushalayim (Jerusalem).