Appointments With God Discussions Passover Purim

From Purim to Passover: Unveiling the Messiah’s mission

This quick study of the book of Esther and the background of the Festival of Purim reveals how they are intricately woven into the redemptive narrative fulfilled in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ). Just as Esther risked her life to save her people, Yeshua laid down His life to redeem humanity. The parallels between Purim, Passover and the Messiah’s mission reveal God’s sovereign plan.

Apostolic Writings Appointments With God Discussions Prophets and Writings Purim Torah

Tree of Knowledge and Haman’s gallows: Esther shows us how to overcome our desire to replace God

Bible prophecy often talks about widespread persecution against the people of God in the “latter days.” But that seems so far removed from today’s society, where we have global human rights watchdog groups, U.S. First Amendment protections for religious freedom, the International Court of Justice and the United Nations.

This study of the Torah reading וַיִּקְרָא Vayikra (“and He called,” Levicus 1:1–6:7) plus readings for the Sabbath of Remembrance (Deuteronomy 25:17–19; 1Samuel 15:2–34; 1Peter 4:12–5:11) and the Book of Esther reminds us why we keep seeing outbreaks of perplexing violence throughout history, in spite of attempts to legislate away evil.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Take comfort that Heaven will deliver us from things worse than death (Isaiah 40)

When we think about living in a tumultuous time, when things seem to be coming apart at the seams, nationally or personally, take heart in the comfort that God has carried His people through all sorts of challenges and terrible things. That’s the message we can glean from Isaiah 40, a special parallel reading for the Torah reading ואתחנן Va’etchanan (“and I pleaded,” Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11) about mourning what has been lost and hoping in what lies ahead.

No matter what we are facing personally or how bad we think the situation of the country or world, we must remember that there are many who have gone before us who have faced and endures far worse than this. For those who believed in God, they made it through by depending on God, regardless of whether they would make it through or succumb. They learned — and we must too — that there is something worse than death.

Many in the United States and elsewhere have forgotten that there are things worse than death. They have willingly given up basic freedoms — of speech, worship and assembly — for the false hope that they might extend their lives on Earth by doing so.


‘Esther’s Legacy’: A historical look at numerous assaults against Jews and the response from by-standers

In the Book of Esther, Mordecai encourages Esther to stand up for her people in the face of powers bent on destruction of the Jews (Esther 4:13-14). This article takes a historical look of various attacks against the community and the nation and compares these assaults to the patterns shown in the Book of Esther.

Discussions Purim

Purim: Book of Esther tells a never-old tale of hatred against God’s blessed servants

The “Preacher” in Ecclesiastes said “there is nothing new under the sun.” The hatred against Yehudah, the Jews, has persisted throughout time, and the spirit of Amalek has taken many forms, including Haman, Antiochus IV, etc. Yet the LORD has kept Israel in the form of mostly Yehudah intact. Through Yehudah came the Messiah, the Seed of Eve Who crushed the serpent’s head and the Seed of Abraham Who brought God’s blessing to the world. That preservation of Yehudah above all odds through the eons, in the face of concerted genocidal efforts, is testimony that indeed the LORD is the one at work.