Apostolic Writings Discussions

John 14:25-31: Comforting is a Team effort

One of the main jobs of a friend or a BFF is to give comfort. Comfort is consolation, interceding, being an advocate. We have a limited understanding of this, in the concept of the best friend. When Yeshua was preparing for Golgatha, He repeatedly encouraged and admonished His disciples to comfort each other. Yeshua said we are no longer servants, but friends. A master cares little about his servant’s groanings but a friend deeply cares about our sufferings and comes along side and shares them. He also promised to send the Holy Spirit, as the ultimate Comforter. The Holy Spirit’s job isn’t just there to give us a hug but to advocate for us, to speak up for us to the Father. He is also there to help us comfort and support each other.

Appointments With God Atonement Discussions Torah

Exodus 30: Day of Atonement foreshadowed

The theme of Exodus 30 is what was to happen in front of the veil between the Holy Place and Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle. Moshe (Moses) was to make the oil and use it to anoint everything for the Tabernacle. It’s all about atonement, about Yom haKippurim, Hebrew for the Day of Coverings, a.k.a. the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16:11-15).

It’s boring if you just sit there and read it. But if you ask God while reading this, “What did you have in mind?” it becomes fascinating. What God set up here is not mere ritual. It’s a picture of the Messiah’s actions to atone for the deviations of the people of God from the guidelines of Heaven.

Discussions Prophets and Writings Tabernacles The Eighth Day

1st Kings 8: Chiastic teaching ties together messianic figures Moshe, David and Shlomo

A chiastic structure buried in 1st Kings 8 compares messianic figures of Moshe (Moses), David and Shlomo (Solomon) by changing up the historical and thematic order of them. This swapping is very important because it reveals elements of the character of the Messiah.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Life With God Prayer

Lessons in Communicating With God: Lesson 1: Rebel against distraction (Luke 10:38-42)

Effective communication requires attentive listening and confirmation a message is received, perhaps via a reply or acting on the information delivered. The passages in Luke 10:38-11:13 and Matthew 6 contain lessons in effectively listening to God and talking with Him.

The first lesson is in the account of Yeshua’s visit to the home of Marta and Miriam in Bethany. This is not just a little biographical story. It’s a lesson, starting with the names of the women themselves.