Did you realize that the ministry of the apostle Peter was prophesied in Scripture? Just as Eliyahu (Elijah) has a New Testament equivalent in Yokhanan (John the Baptist), Elisha also has a New Testament equivalent: Peter.

Did you realize that the ministry of the apostle Peter was prophesied in Scripture? Just as Eliyahu (Elijah) has a New Testament equivalent in Yokhanan (John the Baptist), Elisha also has a New Testament equivalent: Peter.
The book of Esther presents multiple characters throughout the storyline that may have a more significant purpose than it first appears.
Taking a closer look at 1st Kings 2, we see a pattern of The Adversary (haSatan) and anti-Messiah revealed by two men in Scripture who lead parallel lives more than 1,000 years apart.
At the end of 1st Kings 1, David ensured Solomon’s succession to the throne and strictly speaking, David is no longer the king because there can only be one king on the throne at a time. Here, David charges Solomon with several pieces of advice to try to ensure Solomon’s success and long reign.
The account of the 10 plagues on Mitsraim (Egypt) before Israel’s exodus has a pattern of mercy and judgment. Moses delivered warnings to Pharaoh followed by plagues, then a plague comes without warning.
The Torah says that a census can not count people, only the coins they give. David knew this, and Yoab (Joab) did too. Why did David proceed after Yoab calls him out on this? What does it have to do with the strange land purchase in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)?
This section of 2nd Samuel is the “second witness” of the veracity of the gospel authors and their testimony of Yeshua’s life, death and resurrection. As Yeshua told the pharisees in John 5:39, “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.” These Scriptures Yeshua calls the Pharisees to re-examine are the TaNaKh (Torah, Prophets and Writings). He tells them — and us — that the entire TaNaKh give us His story.