Appointments With God Discussions Passover Torah Unleavened Bread

Crying out to the God Who hears: Lamenting injustice and hoping in divine resolution (Exodus 3–4)

The three signs Elohim gave Moshe (Moses) at the burning bush in Exodus 4 to show the elders of Israel revealed God knew intimately the horrors they endured during centuries of bondage in Mitzraim (Egypt).

First, the staff becoming a snake and back again symbolized how the “tribe” of Israel had been made contemptible in Egypt but was being restored, finally though the Red Sea crossing. Second, the leprous hand showed God saw their affliction as if they were stillborn infants, to which Moshe’s sister, Miriam, was compared. Third, turning a jug of water into blood red revealed that God witnessed their babies’ murders by Egypt into the Nile, which be expanded to grand scale in the first plague.

This study explores that through these signs addressing their specific traumas, God demonstrated to the elders that He heard, remembered, saw and knew His “first-born,” and God would gain justice for their sufferings in Egypt. This is a key lesson of Pesach (Passover) and Matzot (Unleavened Bread).

Discussions Torah

How the plagues of Egypt reveal the Messiah (Exodus 6:2–9:35)

Yeshua (Jesus) said that all the Scriptures tell us about Him. With this in mind, let’s go through each of the plages in the Torah reading וארא Va’era (“I appeared,” Exodus 6:2–9:35) learn how plagues God inflicted on Egypt had parallels in the life and teachings of Yeshua Himself.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 6:2–9:35: Name dropping the first seven plagues on Mitzraim

The Torah passage Va’era (“I appeared,” Exodus 6:2–9:35) covers the first seven plagues on Mitzraim and the revealing of the Name of the LORD. Elohim’s dealing through Moshe with the pharaoh of Mitzraim to let Yisra’el out of bondage explains Elohim’s plan to save the world from its bondage to the fantasy of self-sufficiency without the Life-giver and Life-sustainer. It’s a preview of the final seven plagues of Revelation 15–16.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 9-10: Plagues of locusts, darkness, death of first-born against Mitsraim

The plague against the firstborn seems harsh because the innocent died because of the faults of the leadership of Mitsraim (Egypt). However, like with the life of Yosef (Joseph), that plague is a foreshadowing of the future death of an innocent Firstborn, Yeshua the Messiah.

Appointments With God Passover Torah

Pattern of the plagues of the Exodus

The account of the 10 plagues on Mitsraim (Egypt) before Israel’s exodus has a pattern of mercy and judgment. Moses delivered warnings to Pharaoh followed by plagues, then a plague comes without warning.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 32-33, part 2 — ‘The man’ intercedes for rebellious Israel after the golden calf

This is a very heavy section of scripture, which is why we are spending two weeks reviewing it. When Moses comes down from the Moses, he takes very drastic measures to clean up a massive rebellion against God in the camp of Israel involving the golden calf idol.

Appointments With God Discussions Passover

Exodus 12 — Israel leaves Egypt for good at the first Passover

The exile of the Israelites in the land of Egypt comes to a climatic end with the 10th plague — the death of the firstborn — and the first Passover, or Pesakh in Hebrew.