Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

Shekinah revealed: How the LORD’s tangible presence refutes the ‘absentee landlord’ myth (Genesis 18; Isaiah 33–34; Luke 8)

This study of Genesis 18 further explores Abraham’s faith journey. His bargaining for the lives of the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah highlights why the LORD knew he was the right choice to establish a legacy of overcoming the world and staying on Heaven’s path of justice and righteousness. This startling example of the LORD’s active presence and involvement in human affairs is far removed from the accusation that He’s an “absentee landlord.”

A parallel passage in Luke 8 reveals how the parable of the sower, the healings of the bleeding woman and dead girl, and the Shema (“Hear, O Israel” from Deuteronomy 6) seem to be intertwined — and linked to Sarah’s Heaven-sent gift of a son. A lesson in all that is we need to be open to, truly understand and obey God’s word. We also delve into the role of wealth, hospitality and service in the Kingdom of Heaven, calling us to faithfulness in all aspects of life.

Discussions Torah

Walking blamelessly before God: A ransomed life moving toward spiritual maturity (Exodus 6–9)

In this study of Torah reading וָאֵרָא‎ Va’era (“I appeared,” Exodus 6:2–9:35), Pharaoh’s unyielding heart despite God’s plagues on Mitzraim (Egypt) foreshadows humanity’s futile rebellion against the authority of the Creator, as echoed in Revelation. Pharaoh’s “hardened” heart yields briefly with his son’s death, which challenged both his lineage and Egypt’s deities.

Pharaoh’s obstinacy is part of a prophetic role for Israel to bear witness to the global importance of God’s names El Shaddai and YHWH. That role, which reaches its fullness in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ), has come with persecution toward those who uphold the righteousness and sovereignty of the Creator.

Torah readings

Torah reading Va’era (וארא): Exodus 6:2–9:35

It’s no coincidence that the freedom of Yisra’el from bondage in Mitzraim was accompanied by 10 plagues and the release of mankind on the coming Day of the LORD comes after seven plagues. Why such drastic measures are required to give people freedom is behind this week’s Torah portion, וָאֵרָא‎ Va’era (“I appeared,” Exodus 6:2–9:35).

Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

The gospel according to Moses

Some may think that the gospel started with the Bible books named after it. But that good news of the Kingdom of Heaven long preceded — and prepared the way for — the arrival of Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ). In the Torah reading וארא Va’era (“I appeared,” Exodus 6:2–9:35), we see how Moses foreshadowed the gospel message and the work of the Messiah.

Discussions Torah

Could Pharaoh have repented?: Lessons from Messiah and apostle Paul (Exodus 6–9)

The God that spoke to the Pharaoh of Joseph was the same God Who spoke to the Pharaoh of Moses, who we meet in the Torah reading וארא Va’era (“I appeared,” Exodus 6:2–9:35). God does not change or grow, but He expects us to grow and change for the better. When we do, He is pleased. When we don’t, He is not pleased. 

God showed great favor to the “Pharaoh who knew Joseph” because this Pharaoh accepted the warnings given to him by God and by Joseph. He and his people were blessed because of his humility and wisdom. 

Similarly, the chief priests wouldn’t relent from their jealousy against Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ), yet Paul turned did turn away from his equally zealous persecution of believers.

Discussions Torah

How the plagues of Egypt reveal the Messiah (Exodus 6:2–9:35)

Yeshua (Jesus) said that all the Scriptures tell us about Him. With this in mind, let’s go through each of the plages in the Torah reading וארא Va’era (“I appeared,” Exodus 6:2–9:35) learn how plagues God inflicted on Egypt had parallels in the life and teachings of Yeshua Himself.

Discussions Torah

Do we live as if the Creator is really in charge? (Exodus 6:2–9:35)

The Torah reading Va’era (Ex. 6:2–9:35) is the first of two accounts of how the 10 plagues on Mitzraim (Egypt) humbled a superpower of the time to bring freedom not just to Israel but to the entire world.

How much more would Heaven’s sending the quintessential Son of Man to humble the “prince of the power of the air” win freedom for Israel, and by extension the whole world.