Discussions Torah

Could Pharaoh have repented?: Lessons from Messiah and apostle Paul (Exodus 6–9)

The God that spoke to the Pharaoh of Joseph was the same God Who spoke to the Pharaoh of Moses, who we meet in the Torah reading וארא Va’era (“I appeared,” Exodus 6:2–9:35). God does not change or grow, but He expects us to grow and change for the better. When we do, He is pleased. When we don’t, He is not pleased. 

God showed great favor to the “Pharaoh who knew Joseph” because this Pharaoh accepted the warnings given to him by God and by Joseph. He and his people were blessed because of his humility and wisdom. 

Similarly, the chief priests wouldn’t relent from their jealousy against Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ), yet Paul turned did turn away from his equally zealous persecution of believers.

Discussions Torah

Do we live as if the Creator is really in charge? (Exodus 6:2–9:35)

The Torah reading Va’era (Ex. 6:2–9:35) is the first of two accounts of how the 10 plagues on Mitzraim (Egypt) humbled a superpower of the time to bring freedom not just to Israel but to the entire world.

How much more would Heaven’s sending the quintessential Son of Man to humble the “prince of the power of the air” win freedom for Israel, and by extension the whole world.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

Genesis 32:3–36:43: How to wrestle with and wait on God together joyfully

The LORD sends us into the world to be His ambassadors (2Cor. 5:20) and part of the kingdom of priests (Ex. 19:5–6; 1Pet. 2:9–10; Rev. 5:9–10). Will we go? Will we face challenges of our own making or ones that are out of our control? Division is toxic to the Kingdom of God. How are we living this out?

In this study of the Torah reading וישלח Vayishlach (Genesis 32:3–36:43), we will go over a few of Yeshua’s parables that will make Ya’akov’s WWE match with the Angel of the LORD look logical. We will learn more about how God teaches us. We have been sent to a world full of brokenness while experiencing brokenness ourselves. How we deal with the brokenness of others and divisions and disagreements in the Body is a sign of our spiritual maturity.