This study on the Torah reading נָשֹׂא Nasso (“take up” or “carry,” Num. 4:21–7:89) focuses on the Nazarite/Nazirite vow (Numbers 6:2-21), which calls one to dedicate body and soul to God’s service. Samson (Judges 13-16) and Samuel (1Samuel 1:11) exemplified this, though imperfectly. Symbolically avoiding grapes (Revelation 14:19-20), corpses, and cutting hair (Numbers 6:5), Nazarites shunned death from sin (1Corinthians 15:56). Their supernatural strength came through God’s spirit (Judges 14:6), not fleshly power. Ultimately, Yeshua (Jesus) could be seen as the perfect Nazarite (Matthew 2:23), filling up the vow’s purpose perfectly through His death and resurrection (1Corinthians 15:3-4), calling us to die to sin and live for God.