Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 11-17 recap

The pattern we find in 1st Samuel is a pattern of preparing and delivering. He sends two witnesses for each delivery, a preparer and deliverer. We continue with this pattern with the beginning of Saul’s reign. These stories are not just history, or entertainment. The book of 1st Samuel also shows us how Sh’mu’el (Samuel), Sha’ul (Saul), Yahunatan/Yonatan (Jonathan) and David are a foreshadowing of the Messiah to come. This history helped the prophets see and reveal the Messiah to us.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 23 — David flees Saul and tries to find the purpose in his life

David is fleeing Sha’ul (Saul) and at the same time liberating towns from Philistine occupation but more often than not, he experiences betrayal rather than gratitude. When David would have a right to despair whether he had any friends or allies, Yahunatan/Yonatan (Jonathan) finds David and renews their covenant. David learns a lesson about when to “throw your hat into the ring” and when to “mind your own business.”

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 21 — David flees Sha’ul to Nob, Philistia

David flees Saul on Jonathan’s command since Saul had set out to kill him. He first flees to the priestly city of Nob and later flees to the land of the Philistines, his sworn enemy.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 20 — Yahunatan warns David to flee Sha’ul

Yahunatan (Jonathan) during a New Moon celebration learns that his father, Sha’ul (Saul) the ruler, plans to kill his best friend, David. Yahunatan creates a signaling method involving three days and three arrows to let David know to flee.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 19 — David the hero vs. Sha’ul the jealous

David ascended in fame with more victories. Sha’ul (Saul) descended with jealousy of those victories, pushed by an “evil spirit” the LORD sent. David escaped Sha’ul’s trap with a ploy used in the 20th century by an escapee at Alcatraz. Sha’ul pursued David to the headquarters of the prophet Sh’muel (Samuel), and God’s Spirit led Sha’ul to prophesy.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 18 — David acquires 100 foreskins as Michal’s bride-price

David and Yonatan/Yahonatan cemented a strong friendship. Meanwhile, David wins the hand of Saul’s daughter Michal by returning from battle with 100 foreskins in hand.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 16 — God appoints a new king for Israel

We start to see how closely connected the lives of Samuel, Saul, Jonathan and David truly are. All these men’s lives were shaped and irrevocably changed by the events surrounding the High Priest Eli and the confiscation of the Ark of the Covenant. We also see the beginnings of David’s quick rise in stature from a modest shepherd boy to a royal court entertainer and finally a leading warrior in Saul’s army.