Apostolic Writings Discussions

Luke 13:1-9: Yeshua addresses ‘Why do bad things happen to the innocent?’ with parable of fig tree in vineyard

Many ask something like, “Why do the good die young and the evil seem to live forever?” Yeshua answered two questions about whether sin brought on two tragedies at that time by saying those weren’t punishment for sin, but all need to take notice that a big disaster for Israel — Rome’s destruction of Yerushalayim — was coming and need turn back to God.

Appointments With God Discussions Firstfruits Torah Unleavened Bread

Journey to the 10 — Israel thirsts, discovers bitterness within

We are continuing our “Journey to the 10 (commandments)” as our ancestors of old went the first time. We see God’s “high hand” redeem our ancestors from the Egyptians once and for all. Then they continue for three more days until they reached Marah on the 24th of Aviv.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 16 — God appoints a new king for Israel

We start to see how closely connected the lives of Samuel, Saul, Jonathan and David truly are. All these men’s lives were shaped and irrevocably changed by the events surrounding the High Priest Eli and the confiscation of the Ark of the Covenant. We also see the beginnings of David’s quick rise in stature from a modest shepherd boy to a royal court entertainer and finally a leading warrior in Saul’s army.


Genesis 2:8-17 — four rivers, two trees in Eden

The Hebrew words behind the four rivers in Eden, the garden and the two trees in Gen. 2:8-17 help us understand more about God.