Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Abraham’s noisy descendants: Proclaiming the Messiah’s kingdom (Genesis 17; Isaiah 63; Romans 4)

The Messiah’s covenant with humanity via Abraham is the foundation of our faith. In this study, recalling Abraham’s journey of trust in Heaven starting in Genesis 12, we see the power of the Spirit to transform and empower us as overcomers of the attractive lure of a world steeped more in the knowledge of bad than of good. Like the new names for Abram and Sarai recorded in Genesis 17, the Messiah’s new name and our new identity in Him call us to a life of spiritual renewal, where we boldly proclaim His glory and advance His kingdom. May we, like Abraham, walk in unwavering faith, knowing that our Redeemer lives and reigns forever.

Discussions Torah

Discernment in a deceptive age: How to sharpen our spiritual senses (Deuteronomy 29–30)

The Torah readings of נִצָּבִים Nitzavim and וַיֵּלֶךְ Vayelech (Deuteronomy 29:10–31:30) confront us with a stark choice — life or death. Yet this is no mere intellectual exercise, for the decision before us demands a profound internal transformation via Heaven’s tag-team Comforters, the Word and the Spirit. In this study, we’ll see that these ancient yet ever-more-relevant words speak to the very core of our being, calling us to align our thoughts and desires with the ways of the Almighty. In a world that tempts us with the allure of secret knowledge and the false security of human systems, we are challenged to discern the subtle yet vital distinctions between the paths that lie before us. It is only through the power of God’s Spirit working within us that we can truly choose the way that leads to “abundant life” (John 10:10).

Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

God’s unwavering love: Foreshadowed in Abraham, realized in Messiah (Genesis 12–17)

This study on the Torah reading לֶךְ-לְךָ Lech Lecha (Genesis 12–17) explores the spiritual lineage of Abraham and how it emphasizes God’s faithfulness and love, irrespective of human failings. This faithfulness and love reaches its fullness in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ).

Being a true descendant of the covenant the Creator of Heaven and Earth made with him means embodying the trust — faith — he had in Heaven’s promises, not just sharing his DNA. We explore the importance of spiritual commitment over rituals such as circumcision, biblical criticism toward religious figures’ service without sincerity, and the necessity for total devotion for a covenantal relationship with God.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

How to live a worthwhile life, rather than as a ‘worthless person’ (Judges 11)

Judges 11, a parallel passage to the Torah reading חֻקַּת‎ Chukat (“statute of,” Numbers 19–21), focuses on Yiftakh (Jephthah), a judge/ruler of ancient Israel. The account doesn’t portray him or his friends in a kind light. It underscores a key lesson that Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ) taught that Heaven calls many to serve the good of the world, but those who aren’t transformed on the inside will only serve like did Yehudah Ish Kariot (Judas Iscariot).

Discussions Torah

Deuteronomy 29–30: Is circumcision of the heart too much to bear?

It should be an easy choice: life vs. death. Unfortunately many people willingly choose death rather than life because they don’t want to submit their hearts, souls and minds to God.

It’s important to understand that following Torah is our free choice. It is easy to fall into analysis paralysis of learning God’s instructions, and Deuteronomy 29-30 (Torah reading Netzavim) can bring us back to our center when we fall into that trap.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 33: Travelogue of Egypt to the Promised Land teaches faith in the LORD

The LORD makes a big deal about fulfilling our promises, because He wants us to count on His promises of our transformation of character and world made new through the Messiah. That’s an important lesson in the Torah double reading מטות Matot (“tribes”) and מסעי Massei (“journeys of”), covering Numbers 30:2–36:13. covering Numbers 30-36.

But easy to miss in seemingly unending list of 40-plus place names in Numbers 33 are the critical lessons learned by the Exodus generations and each one to our current day about temptations “common to man” (1Cor. 10:13).

Apostle Paul riffs on the incidents behind the Egypt-to-Promised Land travelogue to show us we must trust that “God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it” (1Corinthians 10:13 NASB).

Discussions Torah

Leviticus 25–27: No freedom or redemption without the law

There is no freedom in a society without a baseline of laws that help people balance their rights and responsibilities to themselves and to their neighbor. There’s also no freedom in a place where people do not consider each other as brothers and sisters. At Mt. Sinai, God made all those who left Egypt kinsman under the law. At Pentecost, Yeshua made all those who believe in Him heirs of Abraham and the freedom and responsibility that comes with being sons and daughters of God.