We are continuing our Passover discussions leading up to the Passover itself. This is some additional background we need to cover before we partake of our annual Passover feast.

We are continuing our Passover discussions leading up to the Passover itself. This is some additional background we need to cover before we partake of our annual Passover feast.
The wording in this series of chapters differs from prior chapters. At this point, HaShem (the LORD) is addressing all the people, not just the priesthood. There is an intriguing link between the elaborations on not eating blood in Leviticus 17 and then those on not having sexual relations with blood relatives in Leviticus 18.
The vision of Acts 10, repeated in Acts 11, has been misinterpreted for millennia, in part because many people reading the text fail to see the vision of the animals in the context of Peter’s later meeting with Cornelius and the conversion of Cornelius household to the Gospel and God’s gift of the Holy Spirit upon Cornelius. Many Christians see the vision of the animals on the sheet as simply a change in dietary laws. The focus on physical food rather than upon the spiritual reality of God’s call of both Jews and Gentiles to believe in the one and only Messiah Yeshua becomes lost when this vision is interpreted out of context.