Discussions Torah

Genesis 32:4–36:43: Face up to your past, so Mashiakh can purge it

Ya’akov meets with Eysau and becomes one again with his family. From there, Ya’akov’s family has to clean out the wickedness from their household. As we see in Torah section Vayishlach (“and he sent,” Genesis 32:4–36:43), there’s messianic symbolism of the “son forever.” It points to God’s Son, the Mashiakh Yeshua, Who died in sorrow but was resurrected and sits at God’s right hand forever.

Discussions Torah

Deuteronomy 3:23–7:11: What’s on God’s heart is to be on ours

This week’s Torah reading, ואתחנן Va’etchanan (“and I pleaded,” Deut. 3:23-7:11), includes the beginning of Moshe’s elucidation. Deuteronomy is Moses’ farewell to the people of Israel.

This section in particular focuses on how to love God, what is idolatry and how to avoid idolatry. We don’t make statues and bow to them but we still struggle with idolatry in our own day. How? We worship our stuff, the works of men. We create a lot of things, most of them don’t honor to God.

Moses has seen the people backslide over and over again for the past 40 years and he knows human nature enough that this pattern is not going to end. He knows they will do things they should not do, because they are humans and they do what humans do. This book offers both hope and warning.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 6:2–9:35: Name dropping the first seven plagues on Mitzraim

The Torah passage Va’era (“I appeared,” Exodus 6:2–9:35) covers the first seven plagues on Mitzraim and the revealing of the Name of the LORD. Elohim’s dealing through Moshe with the pharaoh of Mitzraim to let Yisra’el out of bondage explains Elohim’s plan to save the world from its bondage to the fantasy of self-sufficiency without the Life-giver and Life-sustainer. It’s a preview of the final seven plagues of Revelation 15–16.

Apostolic Writings Appointments With God Chanukah Discussions Prophets and Writings

Chanukah: Prophecy and memorial for conception of Messiah and declaration of His mission

What does ‎Chanukah (Festival of Dedication) have to do with believers in ‎Yeshua (‎Jesus)? It’s in the ‎Bible, and Yeshua celebrated it. In doing so, He gave one of the most startling teachings about Himself (John 10:22-38). As well as a remembrance of the perils of giving up God’s words to fit in or save one’s neck, Chanukah is a memorial of the great miracle of the conception of the ‎Messiah — ‎Immanuel (God With Us) — through Miriam (Mary) (Luke 1; 1Chronicles 24; Haggai 2).

Appointments With God Chanukah Discussions

8 miraculous women of Chanukah

The eight days of Chanukah (Festival of Dedication, John 10:22–39), historically parallel the eight days of Sukkot (Festival of Tabernacles). But there is a startling parallel to eight women in the Bible for whom having children would have been miraculous — including the mother of Yeshua (Jesus) — yet these women dedicated themselves to God’s mission to restore the Earth.

Apostolic Writings Appointments With God Discussions Firstfruits Passover Pentecost/Shavuot Prophets and Writings Tabernacles The Eighth Day Torah Trumpets Unleavened Bread

God’s appointments with humankind gain meaning over time – not obsolescence

A number of theologians have wondered publicly if the festivals of the LORD are relevant for today or are just historical or intellectual curiosities. Many dismiss Sukkot as either a harvest festival only applicable in the Land of Israel or only relevant with a standing temple. Let’s explore what the Bible says about the past, present and future layers of meaning in these annual appointments and how they teach us about the Messiah and ourselves.

We will look at the different layers of the festivals: past, present and future.

In a sense, they are like a wedding anniversary, on which the couple remembers all the experiences layered on top of one another since the cutting of that first wedding cake.


What is Chanukah? has a primer on Chanukah, what it is and why believers in Yeshua the Messiah should care about it.