Apostolic Writings Discussions

Acts — a Greek masterpiece about the witness of Jews to the adoption of the nations as God’s people Play in new window | Download (Duration: 48:07 — 8.3MB)Subscribe: RSSIs the book of Acts the record of God’s creation of “the church”? Or is it a continuation of the story of God’s reaching out into the world through Israel, a people who “struggle with God and men” and prevail in bringing a blessing […]

Apostolic Writings Discussions

John 21 — tearing down & rebuilding Peter Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:03:39 — )Subscribe: RSSMessiah Yeshua (Jesus) had a special encounter with seven of His closest students and was out to rebuild a special one, Peter, following a heart-breaking betrayal. Yeshua taught Peter that to truly love God, he must have not just brotherly love but self-sacrificing love.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Introduction to Genesis part 5 — ‘Elohim’ and the untranslated sign of ‘et’

Richard explores the Bible’s third Hebrew word, “Elohim,” to understand more about who God is and what Yeshua (Jesus) meant by “you are gods.” The fourth Hebrew word, the untranslated “et,” shows us how God explains His plan from the beginning.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Firstfruits Pentecost/Shavuot

Matthew 28:1: What is meant by ‘first day of the week’ in Greek?

More than 2,000 years of debate lies behind the question of when Messiah Yeshua rose from the dead. Rather than an esoteric inquiry, timing matters because Yeshua’s life, death, and resurrection happened “according to the Scriptures.”

Apostolic Writings Chanukah Discussions

Why was Yeshua in the temple on Chanukah?

Why was Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) go to the temple on Chanukah, the Festival of Dedication, in John 10? The healing of the blind man in John 9, an obscure messianic prophecy in Haggai 2 and Yeshua’s bold statements gave Israel’s leaders their ultimate test of loyalty to the Holy One or to anti-God human laws.

Apostolic Writings Appointments With God Tabernacles

Sukkot: What Is the Will of God?

People often ask, “How can I know what God wants me to do?” and “What would Jesus do?” Richard Agee explores those questions in a study of John 6-7, in which Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) explains what it means to “do the will of My Father” (John 6:40). Yeshua is the Living Word (John 1:1; John 1:14), the Living Law (Matt. 5:17-20), the Living Torah.

Apostolic Writings Appointments With God Chanukah Tabernacles

Sukkot: The Timing of the Birth of Messiah

The accounts in the Bible about the births of Yochanan the Immerser and Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) seem to point to their being born around the times of the Biblical festivals of Passover and Tabernacles, and for very good reason based on their missions.

Point is, the Bible teaches clearly that Yeshua wasn’t born on Dec. 25.