Appointments With God Shabbat

Why Do We Light the Menorah, Wash Our Hands, etc.?

Kathy De Fever sings an ancient prayer over the lighting of the seven-branch candlestick, called menorah in Hebrew for “light.” Richard Agee explains the menorah and hand-washing symbols long-connected with God’s rest days, called Shabbat in Hebrew and transliterated as Sabbath in English.

Appointments With God Tabernacles

Sukkot: Speak the Truth in Love; Each Must Be Convinced in His Own Mind Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:11:46 — )Subscribe: RSSFeast of Tabernacles — Day 3 Our friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances and fellow believers may not be at the same place we are in understanding all of God’s words, that we are part of Israel, the body of Messiah, with all the promises and […]

Appointments With God Chanukah Tabernacles

Sukkot: An Introduction to the Festival of Tabernacles

Jeff provides an overview of the Festival of Tabernacles, which is outlined in the Bible in Leviticus 23 and Numbers 29. It is an important appointment with God, what He calls “feasts of the LORD,” because He is teaching what it means to “dwell” with God. This is also a celebration of God’s Messiah coming to dwell with mankind as God’s Salvation (John 1:14) and His promise that He will return to live here permanently (Revelation 21).

Appointments With God Tabernacles

Sukkot: Dwelling With God

In the Tanak, the English word “dwell” is a translation of 9 different words. The most frequent Hebrew term for the English word “dwell” is yashav, which is used over 400 times. Another Hebrew word which is translated as “dwell” is shakhan or shakhen which is the root of the Hebrew word Shekinah which is the Hebrew word for the light on the mercy seat which symbolized God’s presence with Man. The Apolstolic Scriptures also tell us that God longs to have his Presence dwelling with us, not just in the form of His Messiah, but of His own accord. From Genesis to Revelation, Jeff explains how God has longed to dwell with Mankind and the lengths He has gone and will go to make it a reality.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Matthew 24 — Interpreting the ‘signs of the times’ by studying the lessons of the past Play in new window | Download (Duration: 57:57 — 13.3MB)Subscribe: RSSReader: Daniel Agee Teacher: Jeff


Aaronic & menorah blessings Play in new window | Download (Duration: 0:39 — 618.5KB)Subscribe: RSSKathy De Fever sings these two blessings every Shabbat. Aaronic blessing Num. 6:24-26 The LORD bless you, and keep you; The LORD make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance on you, And give you […]

Discussions Prophets and Writings

Joshua 16–17 Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00:50 — )Subscribe: RSSReader: Jeff Teacher: Daniel Agee Daniel explains how the Israelite tribes of Ephraim ("E" on the map) and Mannaseh ("M") conquered their territories in Canaan. "J" stands for the tribe of Judah, and the large oval is the Dead Sea. Thought questions