What did Yeshua mean by, “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places … I go to prepare a place for you” (Jn. 14:2, 4)? It’s about what God promises to do in transforming us along with the world at some later time and about what God promises to do in transforming us now.
Author: Jeff
As part of an excursus from our study of Luke 22 on Yeshua’s teachings to the 12 during and just after His last Pesakh (Passover) with them, we’re looking at John 13-17. There appears to be a number of parallels between John 14 and Num. 10:29-12:15 that seem to suggest that the “going” Yeshua is referring to would be into the grave and then to God’s throne, reserving the privilege to dwell with God for anyone in the wold who want it.
In a sobering interchange between the Messiah and one of His closest students during a pinnacle Pesakh (Passover) celebration, Yeshua challenged Simon Peter to truly become a key shepherd, foretold by prophet Zechariah, by becoming such a friend of God that he wouldn’t fear being persecuted to death.
Is Yeshua’s “new commandment” in John 13:34-35 really new? An answer is taught through God’s appointed times of Yom haKippurim (Day of Atonement), Shmittah (sabbatical year) and Yobel (Jubilee year).
What does Chanukah (Festival of Dedication) have to do with believers in Yeshua (Jesus)? It’s in the Bible, and Yeshua celebrated it. In doing so, He gave one of the most startling teachings about Himself (John 10:22-38). As well as a remembrance of the perils of giving up God’s words to fit in or save one’s neck, Chanukah is a memorial of the great miracle of the conception of the Messiah — Immanuel (God With Us) — through Miriam (Mary) (Luke 1; 1Chronicles 24; Haggai 2).
Simply being in the same place where God’s Spirit is present and working wasn’t enough for Yehudah ish Kariot (Judas Iscariot, “man of Kariot”). It isn’t enough for us either. That is why a simple morsel of food from Yeshua’s hand blessed the 11 other closest students but cursed Yehudah.
At the beginning of His great final message and prayer with His 12 closest students (John 13-17; Luke 22:7-38), Yeshua was not calling them to be servants but friends. Servants and masters do not love each other but friends do. Our lives are more temporary than we think. Our lives can be very short or very long. We can make our lives long in the short time we have when we put our lives in God’s hands. God is taking us over the horizon, beyond what we can see. We have to have faith to walk with God when we can’t see where he is taking us.