Discussions Torah

Getting back into the LORD’s presence (Leviticus 1:1–6:7)

Ever been homesick? Or finally woken up to the reality, “There’s no place like home!” The Torah reading ויקרא Vayiqra/Vayikra (“and he called,” Leviticus 1:1–6:7) flows from the end of the second book of the Pentateuch (Exodus 40:35), which ends with the exclusion of Moshe and everyone else from God’s Presence in the newly dedicated Tabernacle. The third book of the Pentateuch gives us God’s instructions for how we return to His Presence.

The entire book of Leviticus, called Vayiqra in Hebrew, teaches that true worship is not about entering a building but entering God’s Presence every day of our lives.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 35:1–38:20: A weekly reminder from Messiah Yeshua to ‘enter His rest’

We don’t want to get into the trap of making God’s rules rote and mechanical, rather than considering His counsel something that is deep in the heart and coming out in our actions. That’s what’s behind the Torah reading Vayak’hel (“and he assembled,” Exodus 35:1–38:20). The focus on the seventh-day Sabbath and construction of the Tabernacle are closely connected to Messiah Yeshua and the Spirit of God.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 27:20–30:10: When suffering is a ‘soothing aroma before the LORD’

Some think the sacrifices detailed in the Torah reading תצוה Tetzevah (“you shall command,” Exodus 27:20–30:10) are simply to appease an angry God. But when you read about the Tabernacle and the sacrifices in the Prophets section of the Bible, you see there’s a lot more here than just butchery and blood.

These were not the sacrifices surrounding pagan nations of the time performed. The purpose of these sacrifices do not mirror the sacrifices of the pagan nations. The foundation of the Torah points to the Messiah. We have the benefit of hindsight to see that.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 13:17–17:16: If God is with us, who can be against us?

The questions ancient Yisra’el asked after the Exodus from Mitzraim are similar to what we often ask ourselves today: Is God with us or not? Are we really free? Where are we going? How will we get our “daily bread”? Where will we find “living water”? That’s the focus of the Torah reading Beshalach (“when he sent”), covering Exodus 13:17-17:16.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 6:2–9:35: Name dropping the first seven plagues on Mitzraim

The Torah passage Va’era (“I appeared,” Exodus 6:2–9:35) covers the first seven plagues on Mitzraim and the revealing of the Name of the LORD. Elohim’s dealing through Moshe with the pharaoh of Mitzraim to let Yisra’el out of bondage explains Elohim’s plan to save the world from its bondage to the fantasy of self-sufficiency without the Life-giver and Life-sustainer. It’s a preview of the final seven plagues of Revelation 15–16.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 32:3-36:43: God has sent us, but are we going?

They were all sent: Patriarchs Abraham, Ya’akov and Yosef, prophet Moshe, Mashiakh Yeshua, apostle Peter and deacon Stephen. They were sent out with a message from the Holy One of Yisrael. So too, Yeshua has sent us to the people around us with the message that God wants reconciliation with humanity, and Yeshua’s atonement makes that happen. That’s the legacy these great figures in Scripture have passed to us. The following recorded discussion is on the Torah section Vayishlakh, which means “and He sent.” We explore the drama between Ya’akob and Eysau. It’s referred to throughout Scripture, and the conflict continues in our day.

Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Genesis 25:19–28:9: Esau lives out why ‘following your heart’ can be folly

The “big picture” lessons of Parashat Toldot both come to us from the life of Esau. First, we need to understand that who and where we came from doesn’t necessarily define who we are or will become. Second, we need to recognize the good around us and become wise to the frequent folly of “following your heart.”