Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Balancing preparation and Providence: Lessons from Abram’s covenant (Genesis 15; Romans 4)

In a world filled with uncertainty and fear, where do we find true security? Is it in the strength of our own defenses, or in the unwavering protection of the Almighty? This study on Genesis 15 and Romans 4 invites us to explore the intricate tapestry of Scripture, where the themes of salvation and security at a place of worship are profoundly intertwined.

As we follow the unfolding covenant between God and Abram, we discover that the shield from evil belongs not in the hands of humanity, but in the steadfast grasp of Heaven. Through the powerful imagery of the covenant ceremony, we glimpse the ironclad nature of God’s promise. It reminds us that our ultimate trust must rest in the Promise-maker and Promise-keeper — not in our own efforts.

Yet, this study also reveals the importance of human preparation and community support, all grounded in a faith that transcends our circumstances. Join us as we delve into the timeless wisdom of this passage, uncovering the delicate balance between divine provision and our own responsibility in the face of life’s challenges.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Melchizedek’s blessing of Abram shows how Heaven is always ‘open’ for believers’ business (Genesis 14; Isaiah 41; Hebrews 7)

This study delves into the rich, interwoven tapestry of Genesis 14, Isaiah 41 and Hebrews 7, where Melchizedek emerges as a prophetic foreshadowing of the Messiah’s eternal priesthood. Explore how Abram’s encounter with this mysterious king-priest points to the Messiah’s role as the ultimate deliverer and high priest. Uncover the Messianic themes woven throughout Isaiah’s vision and the Letter to the Hebrews, revealing the Messiah as the fulfillment of God’s promises and the one who ushers in the true rest for His people.

Apostolic Writings Chanukah Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

The Seed of promise: A messianic tapestry from Eden to Abram to eternity (Genesis 12–13; Joshua 24; Hebrews 11)

This study of Genesis 12–13, Joshua 24, Hebrews 11, Zechariah 2–4 and John 10 explored the theme of God’s promises and their fulfillment, tracing the lineage of the “seed” from Eve to Yeshua (Jesus). Vows, oaths and faithfulness are key principles for us because they undergird God’s promises, as seen in the chain of the “seed” from Eve to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, David and ultimately to the Messiah. The rededication of the Temple celebrated at Chanukah is part of the prophecy of a “greater glory” to come to the structure, and it was fulfilled in Yeshua, the promised Messiah Who would bring the true restoration of God’s presence on Earth.

Discussions Torah

Dwelling in the tents of Shem: Elohim’s Presence brings a blessing to all nations (Genesis 9:18–27)

This study of Genesis 9:18–27 explores the lineage and legacy of Noah’s family, highlighting the historic hallmark of the genetic bottleneck at the Flood and the significance of Shem’s line leading to the Messiah, noted by the cryptic phrase about Elohim — which is God in Hebrew — dwelling in Shem’s tents. This passage delves into the character lessons from Noah’s vineyard, namely the importance of moderation to help us keep control over things that can be both tov and ra (Hebrew for good and bad). Those include not only desires such as wine and food but also how we spend our time. We look at what constitutes a nation and why “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” can never be forgiven. The study emphasizes the hope Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) provides in the resurrection and the importance of pursuing justice, love, mercy and humility before God.

Discussions Torah

‘Image of God’ and sanctity of life: Noah’s enduring lessons for the world (Genesis 8–9)

The Noachide covenant (Genesis 9:1–17) establishes God’s promise to never again destroy the earth, foreshadowing the fulfillment of the Genesis 3:15 promise to Chavah (Eve). This study explores how that covenant emphasizes the sanctity of life, the prohibition on bloodshed and the command to “swarm” (repopulate) the earth — themes woven throughout the Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 12:1–3; 15:18; 22:17; 26:3).

Crucially, the covenant addresses humanity’s יֵצֶר הַרַע‎ yetzer ha-ra (the evil inclination, fallenness). That’s opposed to a common philosophy today that humanity is fundamentally טוֹב tov — Hebrew for good. The antidote is yetzer ha-tov, the good inclination made possible by following the Spirit of God’s guidance in taking captive our thoughts and bringing them into submission to the Heaven’s Word, embodied in Yeshua the Messiah, or Jesus the Christ. The Messiah’s work, foreshadowed by Noah’s ark, reconciles and restores us from our yetzer ha-ra as Heaven plans for humanity to emerge into a “new heavens and a new earth.”

Discussions Torah

Taming the tide of violence: The Flood as a call to return to the Righteous One (Genesis 8:1–14)

The Flood narrative in Genesis 8:1–14 reveals profound insights into God’s plan for restoring creation. This study explores the historical context, Hebrew language and Messianic connections in a passage that highlights the ongoing battle against evil and the promise of ultimate triumph.

Through a special form of the Hebrew verb for “remember” in Genesis 8:1 and an important shift in the global calendar from the time of the Flood to the Exodus, we gain deeper understanding of what God is doing across time and the role of God’s people in preserving the heritage of the Creator. This rich biblical account inspires hope in the Messiah’s victory and the restoration of all things.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

Was Noah really righteous?: Lessons from the Flood for today (Genesis 6–7)

Genesis 6–7 highlights Noah’s righteousness and blamelessness in a corrupt world. Unlike his generation, Noah “walked with God,” demonstrating faith and obedience. His righteousness was not situational but consistent, rooted in his willingness to listen to God’s correction and fulfill His commands. This trust and humility set Noah apart, making him a vessel of God’s mercy and a model of faithfulness. This was a shadow of the coming Agent of Heaven’s mercy: Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus).