Discussions Prophets and Writings

Preparing our hearts for the Third Exodus

The Prophets speak of a “greater exodus” from the nations to the land of Israel. If this current plague (COVID-19) leads to a Third Exodus, that is up to HaShem. Matthew 24 tells us that pestilences are part of the “birth-pangs” of the last days. The reason we look forward to this Third Exodus is […]


How believers can avoid succumbing to ‘cancel culture’ for ‘errant’ beliefs

We should not be too hasty to hit the “cancel” button on someone whose understanding of God is different from ours, even if the chasm between their understanding is very large and seemingly insurmountable. A little humility can go a long way in making us better people and better servants of the Kingdom.

Apostolic Writings Questions

Question: What does it mean that Israel’s festivals are a ‘shadow’?

We received this question: How do you respond to those who say that the law is a “shadow,” as we read in Colossians 2:16-17?

In short, those who claim that since we know Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah, we can throw away the shadows are missing out on learning the heart and intent of God. How can we know who the Messiah is supposed to be if we don’t as regularly as God prescribes immerse our hearts and minds in the patterns for the Messiah in the Scriptures?

If we ignore the patterns or the shadows of the Messiah, we can be just guessing as to Who He is and what He is doing. We would be changing the Word of God and misunderstanding the Word made flesh.


Covid-19 and Hallel Fellowship

Because of state and local public-health directives to not hold large meetings, Hallel Fellowship is moving our prayer and study meeting to videoconferencing only for a while.


Creation speakers coming to Sonoma County this fall

For more than 200 years there’s been a concerted effort to progressively put the God of the Bible into the back seat and then standing on the shoulder of the road to knowledge about how things came to be and how we should live. Why should we care? Because two-thirds of children raised in Christian […]

Appointments With God Torah

Exodus 18–20: Ten Commandments reveal the heart of God

There is a Jewish tradition that when one reads the Ten Commandments, the congregation is supposed to stand, as those who were at Mt. Sinai were standing in attention as God revealed them to His people the first time (Torah reading יתרו Yitro, “Jethro,” Exodus 18:1–20:23). Are we standing at attention to hear the Word made flesh (John 1:14) explain the Spirit of the Law (Matthew 5–7)?

Questions Torah

Are the Ten Commandments holding back the gospel?

The Torah reading Yitro, which covers the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20, is a perfect time to tackle the eyebrow-raising claims of an influential pastor that the Law of God and the rest of the “Old Testament” need to be “unhitched” from the gospel of Yeshua the Mashiakh (Jesus the Christ).