Appointments With God Chanukah

Chanukah: History and Messianic significance

The story of Chanukah or Hannukah began before Judas Maccabee killed his first Greek, and the culmination didn’t end with him. The events were no surprise to God either. He told the prophet Haggai something spectacular would happen in His temple during the time we now call Chanukah. Today’s talk starts all the way to the days of Darius the Mede and touches us in the 21st century.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 23 — David flees Saul and tries to find the purpose in his life

David is fleeing Sha’ul (Saul) and at the same time liberating towns from Philistine occupation but more often than not, he experiences betrayal rather than gratitude. When David would have a right to despair whether he had any friends or allies, Yahunatan/Yonatan (Jonathan) finds David and renews their covenant. David learns a lesson about when to “throw your hat into the ring” and when to “mind your own business.”

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 22 — Shaul starts chasing David and kills the priest who gave David food and shelter

Sha’ul (Saul) responds to the loyalty of his servants by accusing them of betrayal and favoring David. Doeg, an Edomite, wants to gain favor with Sha’ul by exaggerating his chance sighting of David at the priestly compound in Nob. Doeg continues to try to gain favor with Sha’ul by willingly obey a grizzly order that none of the men of Israel want to obey.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 21 — David flees Sha’ul to Nob, Philistia

David flees Saul on Jonathan’s command since Saul had set out to kill him. He first flees to the priestly city of Nob and later flees to the land of the Philistines, his sworn enemy.

Appointments With God Tabernacles

Sukkot 2009 day 5 — Meaning behind the symbols of the fruit and trees

During the Feast of Tabernacles or Booths (Sukkot in Hebrew), a long-standing ceremony has been the waving of a bundle of plants and a citrus fruit toward the four points of the compass. There is an important message for all times in what those plants symbolize.

Appointments With God Tabernacles

Sukkot 2009 day 2 — How God conducts a wedding between His Son and His ‘bride’

The language of a marriage contract, groom and bride are connected in the Bible to God’s deals with Abraham and Israel, Messiah and God’s people (believers), respectively.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 20 — Yahunatan warns David to flee Sha’ul

Yahunatan (Jonathan) during a New Moon celebration learns that his father, Sha’ul (Saul) the ruler, plans to kill his best friend, David. Yahunatan creates a signaling method involving three days and three arrows to let David know to flee.