Discussions Prophets and Writings

Hosea 1:1-2:4: Mercy in God’s uncovering our sin

The promiscuous wife of a prophet of Israel and the mother of mankind walk into a Bible lesson…. The joke is on us if we don’t catch why the Hoshea (Hosea) was told to marry a harlot and connect her predicament of being discovered to the test given to Chavah (Eve) at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad (Genesis 3–4).

Here’s a hint: “Nakedness” is an important symbol of a spiritual condition used in teachings in the Hebrew and Apostolic scriptures.

You and I are similar to Gomer. When we sin, we want to “get away with it.” We don’t want our sin revealed. We still have to have control over our desires. 

Discussions Prophets and Writings

Amos 6-9: Only the Messiah can restore Israel’s Northern Tribes

Our sins affect other people, including our children and grandchildren or as Scripture says, “to the third and fourth generation.” We aren’t punished for our parent’s sins, but we have been affected by them. We suffer when other people sin.

The ancient House of Israel were so far gone, so utterly unrepentant that God’s only recourse was to send 90% of them to the grave and the other 10% into exile. The exile will end only when Messiah Yeshua returns to the earth.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Luke 13:1-9: Yeshua addresses ‘Why do bad things happen to the innocent?’ with parable of fig tree in vineyard

Many ask something like, “Why do the good die young and the evil seem to live forever?” Yeshua answered two questions about whether sin brought on two tragedies at that time by saying those weren’t punishment for sin, but all need to take notice that a big disaster for Israel — Rome’s destruction of Yerushalayim — was coming and need turn back to God.

Discussions Torah

Leviticus 5 — offerings for hidden sins and walking in the Spirit

When we commit “unintentional” sins and are later made aware of them, this text teaches us that we can’t simply say “oops” and ignore the revelation of that sin. This text shows us that when we become aware of some fault or sin, we must address the issue with repentance, restitution and restoration.

Discussions Torah

Leviticus 4-5 — offerings for unintentional sins

The church has taught most of us that all sins are created equal but the Torah shows us otherwise. God not only looks at the sin but at the motive of the heart of the person committing the sin and the extent of their influence in the community at large. God provided different rules and consequences for different kinds of sins based on the severity of the sin and the intent (or lack thereof) of the sinner. This chapter tells us how God wanted the people, the priests and the rulers to make atonement for their unintended wrongdoings against Him.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 4:1–7 — the first murder & the root of rebellion against God,%20Root%20of%20Rebellion.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 50:53 — )Subscribe: RSSIn Gen. 4:1-7 we read about the the first murder. Many readers of the Bible are confused about why God rejected Cain, and some think it was over something "petty." Yet the real reason underlies the downfall of all people.

Appointments With God Tabernacles

Sukkot — a feast full of faith

Day 1 — The Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot, is the third of the special appointments with God in His seventh month. With so much exactness on what is to be offered to God and when, it may surprise you how central faith is in the celebration.