The account of the 10 plagues on Mitsraim (Egypt) before Israel’s exodus has a pattern of mercy and judgment. Moses delivered warnings to Pharaoh followed by plagues, then a plague comes without warning.

The account of the 10 plagues on Mitsraim (Egypt) before Israel’s exodus has a pattern of mercy and judgment. Moses delivered warnings to Pharaoh followed by plagues, then a plague comes without warning.
We are continuing our Passover discussions leading up to the Passover itself. This is some additional background we need to cover before we partake of our annual Passover feast.
Yitzkhak (Isaac) understood something that is hard for us to picture. He knew he was going to be killed, that is huge. Yitzkhak also believed in the promise of God and he knew that God would resurrect him, one way or another. Abraham tied up Yitzkhak, and that put the fear of God into Yitzkhak.
The events of this chapter occurred during the first month of the second year after the children of Israel left Egypt. There’s the provision for a “makeup Passover” for those unavoidably out of the country or “unclean” at the time of Passover and purification of the Levites as the primary “firstborn” of Israel in God’s eyes.
Many Christians think of Yeshua’s sacrifice as a personal sacrifice, a sacrifice by one Man Who died for us as individuals. His dying thoughts were about the people He was coming to die for. His dying thoughts were about what may happen to all the people at the Last Day and how many of them will not be prepared to face the wrath of God.
We are approaching a time when our minds should be centered on the words and deeds of the Messiah. We are called upon to examine our lives in preparation for the Passover. Are we living the way the Lord want us to live? In most Passover celebrations, we ignore or give brief mention to Yeshua’s betrayal at the hands of Judas Iscariot, one of His own Apostles. The bible tells us that Yeshua was glorified by this act, yet many in the Christian church heap lots of condemnation on Judas for what he did.
Those of us in the Messianic community have excitedly embraced the Passover and “gone back to our roots” as a commemoration of the Exodus. However, many Messianics forget that Yeshua did ask us to add something new to the celebration in commemoration of Him: foot washing. Richard explains why Yeshua insituted this ceremony and how it turned the disciples hearts away from themselves and closer to Him.