Torah readings

Torah reading Korach (קרח): Numbers 16–18

Jealousy vs. contentment. Covetousness vs. peace. Humility vs. pride. This continual battle against short-sighted self-will and trust in the LORD’s over-the-horizon view underlies the rebellion against Aharon (Aaron), God’s anointed, led by Korakh (Korah) in this week’s reading — קֹרַח Korakh, Numbers 16-18.

This foreshadows the rebellion against the ultimate of God’s Anointed, Yeshua the Mashiakh (Jesus the Christ).

Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

How to pray for the enemies of Heaven (Leviticus 16–18)

Korach and his merry band of insurrectionists used populist propaganda, revisionist history, blame shifting and faux humility to instigate a popular uprising against Moses and Aaron to return to Egypt to die there so they could avoid suffering God’s judgement that they would die in the wilderness over the course of 40 years.

The people followed along because they would rather blame Moses and Aaron for their lack of faith and their eventual death sentence than themselves for their failure to take what was promised to them.

Fast-forward about 1,500 years: Israel’s leaders who confronted Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) about His ministry repeated some of the same arguments and found themselves on the wrong side of history, just as Korach, Dathan and Abiram did.

But the real lesson of the Torah reading קֹרַח Korakh (Numbers 16–18) is how Moses, Aaron and Yeshua responded to the attacks on their authority. They didn’t ask God to take out their enemies, but interceded in prayer for them. God asks us to do the same.

Discussions Torah

‘Who put you in charge?’: Korach, ancient revolutionary for equity and accountability (Numbers 16–18)

The account of Korach/Korakh/Qorakh (Korah) and his rebellion within ancient Israel between the departure from slavery in Egypt and the entrance into the Promised Land is a classic study in political science. His message hinges on two talking points that politicians of all stripes use today to sway the masses:
* Pursue equity, not just equality.
* Cultural decline is caused by some other group.

We see in the Torah reading קֹרַח Korakh (Numbers 16–18) and in the account of the trial of Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) lessons on how to discern the motivations of popular movements and those who aspire to leadership. Find out more through this Bible study.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 16:1–18:32: Earth-shattering warning against coveting

There’s a difference between an “argument to Heaven” and an “argument to man.” In the former, we are showing a person how their conduct contradicts God’s word. In the latter, we are trying to dominate the other person. We want the person to accept us as an authority, rather than pointing one to accept God’s authority. 

What is the goal? To gain influence or to come closer to God. Even if our “argument to Heaven” is not executed perfectly, if the conclusion of the matter brings both parties closer to God’s will, it has accomplished a righteous goal. We see this lived out in the tragic rebellion of recorded in Torah reading קֹרַח Korach (Korah; Numbers 16–18).

Discussions Torah

Numbers 16–18: Korah, an early anti-Messiah

There are no shortcuts to holding a position of authority in God’s kingdom. People who try to take shortcuts to greatness will not prosper in the end. Just as Aaron and Moses are examples of how God and Yeshua interact with each other, Korah is an example of the “spirit of antichrist” (1John 4:3).

Novelist Catherine Aird wrote, “If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to be a horrible warning.” This fits very well this week’s Torah reading, aptly named קֹרַח Korakh/Korach, after the leader of this merry band of rebels.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 16–18: No shortcuts to authority in God’s kingdom

The Torah reading קֹרַח Korakh/Korach is a study in what it means to rebel against God and opens a window into the destructive power of antichrist.

Appointments With God Life With God Tithe & Finances

The Truth About Tithe

Tithing, or setting aside for God (i.e., giving to a church) a 10th of your income, is becoming a more common fixture in Christian denominations and congregations. However, it is largely misunderstood because a major purpose for the “Old Testament” commandment about tithe is ignored as an obsolete Old Testament teaching. Daniel Agee addresses common questions about tithe by exploring what the Bible actually says about it.