Discussions Torah

How self-inflicted wounds frustrate our future: Esau (Genesis 25:19–28:9)

Esau was not the innocent victim of his brother Jacob’s conspiracy we read about in the Torah reading תולדות Toldot (“generations,” Genesis 25:19–28:9). We learn through the companion passage in Malachi 1 that Esau knew that he didn’t value his birthright or his blessing from his father, Isaac, the legacy of faith in God passed down from Abraham. God separated Jacob and Esau for very good reasons. And God will take care of your future — if you follow Him faithfully.

Discussions Torah

Regret vs. repentance (Genesis 25:19–28:9; Malachi 1–4)

Who we came from doesn’t necessarily define who we are or will become. On the flip side, if we aren’t “born again” (John 3) into the best of the legacy passed to us — the Kingdom of God — we can turn it into an abomination.  

The Torah section תולדות Toldot (“generations,” Gen. 25:19–28:9) reminds us that we are called to recognize the good around us and must become wise to the frequent folly of “following your heart.” We should have the desire to be mature and complete in the knowledge of and relationship to God. We should not be dismayed when “curveballs” come our way.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 23:1–25:18: How Abraham got a peace of the action in Canaan

“‘You have heard that it was said, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy” (Lev. 19:18; Deut. 23:3-6). But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.'” (Matthew 5:43–45 NASB)

We can learn from Abraham, the father of our faith in God, how to put these words of Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) into action in the Torah reading חַיֵּי שָׂרָה Chayey Sarah (“life of Sarah,” Gen. 23:1–25:18). Even as God’s hundreds of years of merciful patience with Canaan’s reprehensible behavior were ticking down, Abraham was praying for the nations’ safety and paying them a large sum for property in the area.

Discovery from this Bible study how God’s friend was an early ambassador of peace to the world.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 25:19–28:9: ‘Be perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect’

One lesson from the life of Esau in Torah reading תּוֹלְדֹת Toldot/Toledot (“generations,” Genesis 25:19–28:9) is who and where we came from doesn’t necessarily define who we are or will become. Another takeaway is to recognize the good around us and become wise to the frequent folly of “following your heart” after what appears to be good. This is why Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) wants us to learn how to be “complete,” not lacking in anything.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 23:1–25:18: A time to rebel and a time to trust

God put a degree of rebelliousness in all of us because sometimes we have to have a rebellious spirit. When the culture around us, whether it’s in our own family or our national culture, is wicked and evil, we have to have the fortitude to rebel against that and stand firm in living the way that is right.

The name of the Torah portion חיי שרה Chayei Sarah means “life of Sarah,” but it starts with the matriarch’s death. We see how Abraham works hard to find a final resting place for her, but her death had a huge impact on Yitzkhak (Isaac) as well, affecting him for years. Her death also played a larger than life role in how Abraham’s most trusted servant, Eliazer of Damascus, set out to find a suitable wife for Yitzkhak to carry out Abraham’s legacy.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 25:19–28:9: What does Heaven really want from me?

It’s difficult for those of us who are naturally rebellious to understand God’s will. But if we have our eyes and hearts open, we can find out what it is. That’s what the Bible accounts of Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob and Esau teach us. In the Torah section Toldot (Genesis 25:19–28:9), we explore the beginning of Isaac’s account in earnest and how the battle over Esau’s birthright and blessing reveals God’s Spirit in us battles our fleshly clinging to our old way of life.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 23:1–25:18: Sarah’s ‘lives’ and our ‘new creation’

When we are pushed to our limits, God promises us that the ways of the Kingdom of God are far more profitable in the long term than trying to avoid pain. That’s what Abraham and Sarah learned over many years of their lives. It’s all the more relevant today for increasing social and physical pressure put on believers in the Holy One of Israel and the Anointed One of God. This lesson of faith is the backdrop of the Torah section Chayei Sarah (“life of Sarah,” Gen. 23:1–25:18).