This study dives into some powerful biblical themes: pride, self-importance and the need to walk in humility and obedience to God’s commands. We explore the stories of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11, the prophecy against Ephraim in Isaiah 28 and Paul’s parallel teachings in 1Corinthians 14. The big takeaway from the Torah passage and companion readings is that the Messiah wants to replace our human pride with Himself as the true foundation and source of wisdom. It’s all about finding that balance — childlike faith combined with mature discernment, leaving behind self-exaltation to humbly submit to the Messiah’s lordship.
Tag: Genesis 11
Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus) and His apostle Shimon Kefa (Simon Peter) pointed to “the days of Noah” as important for believers to fully understand to be prepared for life now and for the “coming of the Son of Man.” This week’s Torah section, נֹחַ Noach (Genesis 6:9-11:32), helps us catch the meaning of the enigmatic phrase “one taken and the other left” (Matt. 24:40-41; Luke 17:34-35).
Ever since the beginning, people have been trying to connect with the divine, that which transcends the drudgery of the common, that which helps us divine truth from falsehood.
The account of Jacob’s ladder in the Torah reading ויצא Vayetze/Vayetzei (“he went out,” Gen. 28:10–32:2) is a foreshadowing of Heaven reaching to Earth in Immanuel (“God with us”), Who is fully realized in Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus).
Though separated by roughly 4,000 years, the “preacher of righteousness” who led his family to “rest” through the Flood foreshadowed the Righteous One Who would bring rest to the world. Here are several reasons why the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.
The Flood recorded in the book of Genesis is one of the most pivotal events in the Bible. But did it happen, or is it just an allegory to teach a spiritual truth? This discussion of the Torah reading נֹחַ Noach/Noakh (“Noah,” Genesis 6:9-11:32), illustrates how the account is real history as well as real revelation of spiritual truth.
Modern DNA studies supports the Bible’s record of a literal Noakh, his literal sons and daughters-in-law and a literal worldwide Flood. Even though Noach was “righteous in his generation,” he was not perfect. He wasn’t saved because he was perfect. He was saved because he had faith in God — faith put into action.
Noakh’s clinged to God’s words, but his generation refused to follow him into the Ark and to receive salvation. That’s why Yeshua talked about the “days of Noah” being just like His second coming (Luke 17:25–27; Matthew 24:37–38; Isaiah 54:8–10).
Though his generation had forgotten, Noach (Noah) remembered the Creator was in charge, followed His instructions and didn’t have the malice of the world around him. In the Torah section Noach (Genesis 6-11), we learn that the relationship between God and Noach was a two-way street, and it is because of this one man’s trust in God that all of creation was saved.