Discussions Torah

Exodus 21: The real lesson about slavery

Yeshua told us that the second greatest commandment was to “love your neighbor as yourself.” How do we go from loving our neighbors on a theoretical level to a practical level? Exodus 21 doesn’t just show us how people should treat people. It also teaches us how God treats people.

God is going to treat you the same way you treat others. If you abuse people, God will allow abuse to come to you. If you are kind to others, God will be kind to you.

Appointments With God Discussions Unleavened Bread

Seventh day of Unleavened Bread: From death to life

What is so special about the last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread? What makes it special is not the death of the Egyptians or the fact God “saved” the Israelites from slavery. Rather, God would teach Pharaoh one final lesson about His power, and His people would pass from bondage and death to freedom and life.

When Messiah Yeshua died on the cross, He sanctified you and me. It happened then and is happening now. You might not see yourself as sanctified but the only reason we are sanctified is due to the bread and blood of the Messiah. We celebrate freedom.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 20: Ten Commandments

There are so many sermons, books and testimonies out there about practical application of the 10 Commandments. In one way, there isn’t much that hasn’t already been said, but in another way, there’s so much here that there isn’t enough time in the universe to dwell upon all the applications and ramifications of these simple commandments. This simple list of 10 basic commandments give us insight into how God views us, our political institutions and our families.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 18-19: God introduces Himself to Yisra’el

When Moshe was on this mountain with the burning bush, which didn’t actually burn, he had to ask God who He was. Now he is back at this same mountain, but this time God has set the entire mountain on fire with smoke. This was not just for Moshe and Aaron, but it’s for all the people to see and respect.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 17: Journey to the 10: Wilderness of Sin to Massah and Meribah; Amalek terrorized Israel

The territory of Sin — a place name, not the term for moral malady — that Israel transversed after leaving Mitsraim (Egypt) was a very large place. It’s in the area where Mt. Sinai is located.

Yet, Yisra’el did sin at Rephadim, so it was called Massah and Meribah. But God still gave the people water from the rock — “living water” preceded law at Sinai — and defeated Amalek.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 13-15: Journey to the 10: God heals Yisra’el at Marah, battles ‘god of the north’ at Red Sea

Exodus 12–20 are the most fascinating chapters of Exodus to me — 10th plague on the first-born, Passover, departure from Mitsraim (Egypt), crossing the sea, details of the encampments, miracles of water and food, arrival at Sinai and the 10 Commandments. I hope you will see God’s pattern, the truth of this one and only “plan of salvation,” not only for the descendants of Israel but for all mankind.

Moses led Israel to the points that God, in the cloud, took them. Every location, all 40 of them, were chosen by God.

Appointments With God Discussions Passover Torah Unleavened Bread

Exodus 13-15: God delivers Israel from Mitzraim (Egypt) through the Red Sea

On the 15th day of the first month, the first day of what God established as Khag Matzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread), Israel left Mitzraim (Egypt). We’ll explore why the Bible talks more about the Matzot than Pesakh (Passover).

Pesakh commemorates God’s breaking the chains of Mitzraim that held Yisra’el there, and Matzot, God’s breaking the power of Mitzraim via the sea.