There are different punishments mentioned in this chapter: death, “cutting off from the people” or childlessness. God is simply warning the Israelites that He will not tolerate these types of sins that are commonly committed in Canaan. He is throwing the Canaanites out because of these kinds of transgressions. He is educating the Israelites and doesn’t want them to commit the same sins that got the Canaanites kicked out of the land. God is telling them what is holy and what is unholy.
Tag: cut off
There’s a common theme occurring throughout the Hebrew Roots/Messianic community recently — separation and regrouping. We also see in Scripture the recurring symbol of “cutting off” in an agricultural sense to talk about God’s action in improving the health of the “vine” of Israel. It’s OK when God cuts off parts of the vine to promote growth. It’s OK if there is a time of not producing fruit.
Passages discussed.: 1st Corinthians 11; Exodus 13; 1st Corinthians 5; Matt. 16:1-12; 2nd Tim. 2:18-21.
Today is the 15th day of the first month, also called Aviv in the Bible. We are continuing our “Journey To the 10” which is the retelling of the journey from Egypt to Sinai.