Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

From barrenness to blessing: The miraculous births that changed history (Genesis 21; 1Samuel 1; Matthew 1)

The promised Seed of Eve was destined from the beginning of the world to crush the head of the one who brought misery to Earth. That Seed is traced through the miraculous births of Isaac, Samuel and ultimately Immanuel — the Messiah, God with us. Amidst human failings and spiritual decline, God’s sovereign plan unfolds, revealing a trajectory from Eden to eternity, where the glory of His presence is restored. This study of Genesis 21, 1Samuel 1–2 and Matthew 1 invites us to trust the Creator’s promises, discern His ways, and anticipate the coming of the King who will establish His eternal kingdom.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Leviticus 10: How to avoid ‘strange fire’ on our closer walk with God

The closer we are to God, the closer God looks at us. We may come to God as we are, but we shouldn’t stay as we were. A key lesson of the Torah reading שמיני Shemini (“eighth”; Leviticus 9–11) is the more understanding God gives us, the more God expects of us (Luke 12:48). This is also why the sacrifice of Yeshua (Jesus) was the only sacrifice that could take away our sins, transgressions and iniquities (Lev. 16:15, 18, 27; Heb. 9:13; 10:4).

Appointments With God Chanukah Discussions

Chanukah celebrates 6 dedicated women

What do the following six important women in the Bible have in common? How did their experiences shape the future of the people of God?