Torah readings

Torah reading Toledot (תולדת): Genesis 25:19–28:9

At first glance, the trustworthiness troubles of Abraham, his son Yitzkhak (Isaac) and grandson Ya’akov (Jacob) can be disturbing, considering they are pillars of faith in the Kingdom of God. How can we forget Ya’akov’s “red, red stuff” deal with his brother, Esau?

Rather than a descent into “truthiness,” their legacy for the commonwealth of Israel is growth from faith-fickle to faithful. In this week’s Torah portion (תּוֹלְדֹת Toldot, “generations,” Gen. 25:19–28:9), we follow Ya’akov’s journey to becoming a “new man,” renamed Israel (“struggles with God” or “rules with God”). That “rebirth,” pictured via Ya’akov’s dream of a ladder between Earth and Heaven, is why Yeshua (Jesus) likened that ladder to Himself (John 1:43–50).


  • Genesis 25:19–28:9
  • Malachi 1:1–2:7; 3:1–4
  • Romans 9:1–16
  • Hebrews 11:20; 12:14–17
  • Matthew 10:21–38

Toledot discussions

The following are notes and recordings of studies by Hallel Fellowship teachers on passages on Toledot.  Also included are notes and the recording for Daniel’s discussion on a passage in the alternate haftarah for Machar Chodesh.1

Esau's birthright and the Israel-Gaza conflict (Genesis 25:19-28:9)

Esau’s birthright and the Israel–Gaza conflict (Genesis 25:19–28:9)

This study of the Torah portion תּוֹלְדֹת Toldot (“generations,” Gen. 25:19–28:9) explores the concept of teamwork in prayer through the story of Isaac and Rebecca, who prayed together for 20 years to conceive children. We delve into biblical relationships, highlighting the patience and perseverance demonstrated by the patriarchs and matriarchs. Comparisons between the sons of the Spirit and flesh, represented by Jacob and Esau, shed light on the importance of spiritual and physical completeness. We also explore the descendants of Jacob, Esau and historical figures, emphasizing the ramifications of short-term thinking versus long-term vision. It draws parallels between biblical narratives…
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What's your legacy? Life or death? Order or chaos? Spirit or flesh? (Malachi 1-2; Genesis 25-26)

What’s your legacy? Life or death? Order or chaos? Spirit or flesh? (Lessons from Jacob and Esau)

Heaven warned the spiritual leaders of ancient Israel through the prophet Malachi that they were showing more respect for human leaders than for the One who created the world and Israel. The priests were despising their legacy for the world, handed down through giants of character, as described in the Torah reading תּוֹלָדוֹת Toledot (Genesis 25:19–28:9). Likewise, we have this legacy handed down to us from Adam to Noach to Abraham to Yitzkhak to Ya’akov to David to Yeshuah the Messiah (Jesus the Christ). Now we are a part of that legacy, grafted into the olive tree that Heaven planted —…
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Will the real people of God please stand up? (Malachi 1; Romans 9)

Will the real people of God please stand up? (Malachi 1; Romans 9)

Why does God let evil things happen? Why do people who supposedly are close to God do evil things? Just as all who profess to be of Abraham aren’t actually truly descendants of him (John 8:39–47), so too, those who claim to be in Messiah (Christ) are not actually in Him (Matt. 7:21–24; Romans 9). These are some of the tough questions tackled in the Torah reading תולדות Toldot/Toledot (“generations,” Gen. 25:19–28:9).
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How self-inflicted wounds frustrate our future: Esau (Genesis 25:19–28:9)

Esau was not the innocent victim of his brother Jacob’s conspiracy we read about in the Torah reading תולדות Toldot (“generations,” Genesis 25:19–28:9). We learn through the companion passage in Malachi 1 that Esau knew that he didn’t value his birthright or his blessing from his father, Isaac, the legacy of faith in God passed down from Abraham. God separated Jacob and Esau for very good reasons. And God will take care of your future — if you follow Him faithfully.
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Regret vs. repentance (Genesis 25:19–28:9; Malachi 1–4)

Who we came from doesn’t necessarily define who we are or will become. On the flip side, if we aren’t “born again” (John 3) into the best of the legacy passed to us — the Kingdom of God — we can turn it into an abomination.   The Torah section תולדות Toldot (“generations,” Gen. 25:19–28:9) reminds us that we are called to recognize the good around us and must become wise to the frequent folly of “following your heart.” We should have the desire to be mature and complete in the knowledge of and relationship to God. We should not be dismayed…
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Genesis 25:19–28:9: ‘Be perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect’

One lesson from the life of Esau in Torah reading תּוֹלְדֹת Toldot/Toledot (“generations,” Genesis 25:19–28:9) is who and where we came from doesn’t necessarily define who we are or will become. Another takeaway is to recognize the good around us and become wise to the frequent folly of “following your heart” after what appears to be good. This is why Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) wants us to learn how to be “complete,” not lacking in anything.
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"Abraham Casting Out Hagar" by Guercino, 1657

Genesis 25:19–28:9: What does Heaven really want from me?

It’s difficult for those of us who are naturally rebellious to understand God’s will. But if we have our eyes and hearts open, we can find out what it is. That’s what the Bible accounts of Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob and Esau teach us. In the Torah section Toldot (Genesis 25:19–28:9), we explore the beginning of Isaac’s account in earnest and how the battle over Esau’s birthright and blessing reveals God’s Spirit in us battles our fleshly clinging to our old way of life.
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8 miraculous women of Chanukah: Sarah, Rivka (Rebekah), Raqel (Rachel), Shimshon's (Samson's) mother, Channah (Hannah), Shunami (Shunammite) woman, Elisheva (Elizabeth) and Miriam (Mary)

8 miraculous women of Chanukah

The eight days of Chanukah (Festival of Dedication, John 10:22–39), historically parallel the eight days of Sukkot (Festival of Tabernacles). But there is a startling parallel to eight women in the Bible for whom having children would have been miraculous — including the mother of Yeshua (Jesus) — yet these women dedicated themselves to God’s mission to restore the Earth.
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An artistic digital illustration depicting Ya’akov (Jacob) with a humble and determined expression, reaching out to his elderly and blind father, Yitzkhak (Isaac), who has long white hair and a beard. Yitzkhak appears thoughtful as he extends his hand towards Ya’akov. The background is a warm desert scene with golden lighting, symbolizing the biblical setting. In the distance, a faint figure can be seen, representing Rivkah. The text overlay reads: **"Genesis 27 - Ya'akov deceives Yitzkhak to receive prophesied blessing"** with a logo in the upper right corner that says ""

Genesis 27: Ya’akov deceives Yitzkhak to receive prophesied blessing

Why has the birthright and blessing due Esau but passed to Ya’akov (Jacob) been a persistent factor in world history, even to our day and the future Day of the Lord? Is there a connection between the delusion Ya’akov gave his father, Yitzkhak (Isaac), to gain Esau’s blessing and the “strong delusion” God has planned for the Day of the Lord?
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A graphic with a green background featuring a man in a thoughtful pose, wearing a straw hat and a green button-up shirt. The text on the graphic reads: "Food for Thought: Lying for Lentils" in yellow and white cursive font, with "Genesis 25-26" highlighted in yellow. A subtle watermark at the bottom right corner reads ""

Lying for lentils and how to inherit the blessings of God (Genesis 25–26)

After Sarah’s death Abraham had other children as well and we learn how his estate was divided up between his heirs. We also learn how Yiskhak (Isaac) deals with his status as a wealthy patriarch in a hostile land and how his two sons start fighting over Yiskhak’s estate before they are born and continue fighting over it when they are adults. The fight appears to end with Esau “despising” his birthright. But does this really end the dispute?
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You want to be one of God’s firstfruits

Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) is called the firstfruits of the resurrection (1st Cor. 15:20), and why are we called firstfruits of creation (James 1:18)? Pentecost originally was a celebration of the firstfruits of the wheat harvest and followed 50 days after the celebration of the firstfruits of the barley harvest. What is God teaching here about Yeshua and us?
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Genesis 25:19–34

Yeshua the Firstfruits: First-born of those who are being saved

Humans and donkeys have something very important in common, according to the words of God: Both have to be redeemed by the blood of a lamb. The purpose of the memorial of Unleavened Bread is to remind us those who trust God have crossed over and what was before is destroyed and is gone. The past is destroyed just as the Egyptian army was drowned into the Sea. When we accepted Yeshua as our Savior, we chose Him as our first-born. We have made Him first in our hearts.

Genesis 26

Yitzkhak flees a famine, digs wells in Canaan

Yitzhkak (Isaac) seems to have repeated a number of events from Abraham’s life: a famine and claiming his wife was his sister. Yitzkhak also seems to have been obsessed with digging wells, but what should get our attention are messianic symbols of three days of live and death in the ground.

Genesis 27

Ya’akov tricks his father into getting the firstborn birthright Esau sold for a bowl of stew

The “transaction” for the firstborn birthright, which Esau sold to his brother, Ya’akov (Jacob) for a bowl of lentils in Genesis 25 is completed in Genesis 27 with a second ruse devised by their mother, Rivkah (Rebecca), to get Yitskhak (Isaac) to bless the correct son. This pattern of switching blessings at the last minute appears repeatedly in the Bible and has ramifications for the modern-day descendants of these two sons.

Ya’akov deceives Yitzkhak to receive prophesied blessing

Why has the birthright and blessing due Esau but passed to Ya’akov (Jacob) been a persistent factor in world history, even to our day and the future Day of the Lord? Is there a connection between the delusion Ya’akov gave his father, Yitzkhak (Isaac), to gain Esau’s blessing and the “strong delusion” God has planned for the Day of the Lord?

Genesis 28:1–9

Ya’akov finds God then Rachel

Ya’akov (Jacob) is sent away to find a wife and finds God first at the bottom of a ladder to Heaven. Then he finds Rachel and ends up with her sister and two slave women. There seems to be something prophetic about Rachel.

Ya’akov dreams of a ladder to Heaven, works for Rachel but gets Leah; Leah has sons but Rachel is barren

The vision of “Ya’akov’s ladder” and his being hoodwinked on his wedding night with Leah instead of Rachel make for entertaining reading, but why does the message of Yeshua the Messiah touch on these accounts? Genesis 28-29 also shows us how involved God is in this world throughout time.

  1. 1st Samuel 20 study: “Yahunatan warns David to flee Sha’ul.” Yahunatan (Jonathan) during a New Moon celebration learns that his father, Sha’ul (Saul) the ruler, plans to kill his best friend, David. Yahunatan creates a signaling method involving three days and three arrows to let David know to flee. 

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