Discussions Health Torah

Beyond Food: Holiness as a Way of Life (Leviticus 11)

Leviticus 11-16 are about how to discern “cleanliness” vs. “uncleanliness.” God is giving us these instructions because He is holy — literally, set apart or distinct — and wants us to be holy, i.e., set apart for God’s purpose. God does not say that we will never be in a situation where we will be exposed to “uncleanliness.” Exposure to “uncleanliness” is a part of being in this world. God is giving us a simple object lesson about how to go from unclean to clean, from unholy to holy.

Health Life With God

Making Dr. Christopher’s plague remedy

This recipe comes to us from the late John Christopher, N.D. He was asked during a seminar to help people naturally overcome the bubonic plague or similar illness if access to traditional medical care was limited because of a catastrophe. The recipe he developed became known colloquially as “plague remedy.”