Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Money and Messiah: How Heaven teaches us to respect others and ourselves

A section of the Torah reading חיי שרה Chayei Sarah (“Sarah’s life,” Gen. 23:1–25:18) makes a big deal about a real estate transaction Abraham did for a burial plot for his wife Sarah. Rather than an arcane factoid from ancient times now long gone, this deal is a key lesson on the Golden Rule — how highly Heaven values humanity, and how people should similarly respect others and ourselves.

Rather than “he who has the gold makes the rules” or “do unto others before they do it unto you,” the Golden Rule and related instructions on property rights teach us to find value in others and ourselves based on what’s inside of us: our character, who we truly are.

And one of the key parts of this lesson is the great Gift given to humanity through Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus), beautifully explained by the Suffering Servant prophecy in Isaiah 52:13–53:12.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

How to become a rock of character in a sinking world of sand (2Samuel 22)

Moses was not the only Hebrew Bible dignitary who wrote a song of deliverance. In this study, we will explore King David’s song of deliverance, as recorded in 2Samuel 22.

Just as Israel had been delivered from Egypt, David had been delivered from two different enemies: King Sha’ul and the Philistines.

Yet, David didn’t brag about his military prowess or his own cunning, but about God’s deliverance. He acknowledges that God is the source of his righteousness, wisdom and power.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

2 steps to repentance: Turn away from what’s bad; turn toward Who’s good

The Shabbat (Sabbath) between Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is called the Shabbat Shuvah, or Sabbath of Restoration/Return.

Traditional readings for this day from the prophets Hosea, Micah and Joel warn us that when our spiritual eyes are opened, He will show us where our community, our nation has veered away from Him, just as He will show us where we have turned away from Him on a personal level.

During this time of preparation for God’s judgement, we have an opportunity to see where have we gone off the right path. We should want to turn away from evil and turn back to the good. God has promised us through all the Prophets, the Apostles and through the Messiah Himself that the heart of God is toward His people. Heaven is looking for us to repent and change our hearts towards Him.

Apostolic Writings Appointments With God Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah Trumpets

Wake-up call for the coming meeting between mankind and God

Blowing a trumpet is meant to draw attention to a particular event. Whether it’s a call to arms or a call to remembrance, when one hears a trumpet or shofar blast, it’s a sound that cannot and will not be ignored.

Yom Teruah — the Feast of Trumpets — the first of God’s fall appointments is a call to repentance and to prepare to face God in judgment, which is memorialized 10 days later on Yom Kippur — the Day of Atonement.

One can’t help but connect Trumpets to the seven trumpets of Revelation. And in this study, we will see more deeply the connection between this festival and God’s preparation of the Commonwealth of Israel (Eph. 2:11–22) to face the final judgement.

Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

How to know if there’s a leader worth following (Numbers 25–29)

A peaceful transfer of power is worthless if the former leaders and the new leaders ignore God’s commandments. The only leaders who are worth following are those who inquire of God and lead the way He wants. That’s a key lesson of the Torah reading פינחס Pinchas (“Phinehas,” Numbers 25:10-30:1).

When we look for leaders, we need to see if they have the humility of Moses and Jeremiah or if they have the arrogance of the rebellious leaders who Moses and Jeremiah confronted.

Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Get a grip on God: Finding the why of the tassels (Numbers 15)

The Holy One of Israel associated the צִיצִתות tzitzitot (tassles, fringes) with locks of hair or flower blooms: sources of identification, things that draw our attention and harbingers of messianic hope. The tzitzitot that Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ) wore as the quintessential Son of David brought hope and encouragement to those who followed Him, to hear His words and seek His healing through faith. In the Day of the LORD (i.e., the “latter days”), the tzitzit will continue to be a sign of faith, hope and healing for those who are looking for God.

Let’s explore from the Bible why these strings of fabric attached to the corners of the garments of the people of God can be anchors of faith — if they are worn with Heaven’s Torah written on our hearts.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

When God’s people need a ‘timeout’ — and a heart-to-heart restoration (Hosea 1–3)

One of the last warnings Heaven has for Earth is that it has serious commitment and infidelity issues. The people don’t know the Maker because of cultural drift over decades or eons, or the people have had a relationship with the God revealed through Israel but want something else.

As the annual Feast of Weeks (Shavuot, aka Pentecost) approaches quickly (May 17 this year), we are focusing in this study on the opening chapters of the Bible book of Hosea. One of the themes of Shavuot is the “marriage” of Israel and Heaven at Sinai with the giving of the Ten Words (aka Ten Commandments, Exodus 19-20) and the joining of the nations to the Holy One (Acts 2). And Hosea begins with an extended living parable for Israel through the prophets dysfunctional family.