Discussions Prophets and Writings

Let’s make God in our own image? How idol hands are the devil’s workshop (Isaiah 43:21–44:23)

There’s a domain that is ours and a domain that is not ours. And we need to respect those boundaries to live in harmony.

When our relationship with God is damaged, we have to listen and obey when God tells us where we went wrong and how to repent and make it right. That is, if our goal is fellowship with Him.

In this exploration of the parallel passage to the Torah reading ויקרא Vayikra (“and He called,” Lev. 1:1–6:7), we discover how the whole goal of the Dwelling Place’s being with mankind, whether it was in the Garden of Eden, the Mishkan, the Messiah, or in the world made new. That is God’s goal through time — to live with us.