Apostolic Writings Appointments With God Prophets and Writings Tabernacles

Why did Yeshua quote ‘blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD’ from Psalm 118?

Sukkot day 3 — The annual seven-day festival of Tabernacles, סֻכּוֹת Sukkot in Hebrew, is the feast all about the final, great ingathering of people into the Kingdom of God.

In the modern world we are living in, there are certain things that Messiah said that are targeted to us and our time.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Kings 6:15-38: Lessons about believers in God from the interior design Solomon’s Temple

Just as the design of the walls and foundation of the temple Solomon built for God showed a pattern for the proper “foundation” for believers in God (1st Kings 6:1-14), the design of the interior of the temple provides a pattern for the character of believers.

Discussions Prophets and Writings Trumpets

1st Kings 6:1-14: Design of Solomon’s temple mirrors foundation for believers

The temple of King Shlomo (Solomon) is the prototype of the temple in Ezekiel and the temple apostle Yokhanan (John) sees in Revelation as well. These components were not put in by Shlomo’s own choice. They were designed and selected by God ahead of time because they mean something to God. In a sense, the Temple is us. Each physical component has a spiritual component.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings

Did the Apostle John and Ezekiel meet each other in vision at God’s Temple? (part 1)

In the vision Yekhezqel (Ezekiel) had of a temple, he watches a man measuring the temple. In the vision apostle Yokhanan (John) had of a temple, recorded in Revelation, God tells him to measure the temple. Was Yekhezqel watching Yokhanan measuring the temple? Did God give allow Yekhezqel to see someone who was born 600-plus years after him?

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Kings 5: Meet the King of Tyre who will help Solomon build the Temple

Solomon is a Messianic figure and Solomon is building a house for God’s name and Yeshua, the Messiah is building God’s name, not in a building but in His people.

This is a Messianic chapter and we are learning about the foundations of God’s house.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Kings 4: Who eats at the Messiah’s table?

There are lots of names and places listed in this text. Those names and towns have a significant meaning beyond a simple biography. When there are a bunch of names in a list, it’s a bell-ringer. You are supposed to take notice that there is something more than meets the eye here.

These names are in a particular order for a reason.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Kings 3: Wisdom of Solomon; Is the Messiah in the story of the two harlots?

The account of Solomon’s decision on which prostitute should get the baby is known even by those who haven’t read the Bible. More than a legend, the event has several parallels to the life of Messiah and His relationship with Israel.