
How Messiah makes the best-laid plans of snake and men go oft awry (Numbers 19–24)

In the Torah readings of חֻקַּת‎ Chukat (“statute of,” Numbers 19:1–22:1) and בָּלָק Balak (Numbers 22:2-25:9), we see the mysterious instructions for the red heifer, Israel’s apostasy; judgment by “fiery” snakes then the brass serpent; and also a talking donkey. One may wonder why all of these are coming together.

One thread through it all is the downhill slide of the first generation of Israel post-Exodus as they are dying off and the second generation are ascending into leadership. Chukat and Balak cover nearly 40 years of time in the history of Israel between the Exodus from Mitzraim (Egypt) and her entry into the Promised Land.

How the snake relates to the donkey and the savior finds its fullness in the arrival of Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ).

Discussions Torah

Snakes on the brain: Poison of the critical spirit (Numbers 20–21)

What kingdom do you prefer to inhabit? The Kingdom of Death (that which doesn’t persist long term) or the Kingdom of Life (that which persists eternally)? Some believe that out of the ashes of chaos comes revolution that will result in a new golden age of peace, comfort and stability. But is this true?

The Torah section חֻקַּת‎ Chukat/Khuqat (“statute of,” Numbers 19:1–22:1) reveals the deadly viper poised to strike in the propaganda of our age.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Kings 7:40-51: Moving from copper Snake world to God’s golden kingdom

Continuing the 1st Kings 7 exploration of the lessons of the design of the temple Solomon built for God, we see a division of copper and gold items. The lesson of copper in the outer temple area and gold in the inner temple area is God wants to clean us by moving us from the world of the Snake to God’s world.