Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

No community without boundaries: Another lesson from the Prodigal Son parable (Deuteronomy 26–28; Luke 15)

There’s an old saying, “Good fences make good neighbors.” And the Torah reading תבוא Ki Tavo (“when you come in,” Deut. 26:1–29:8) emphasizes that blessings flow from God to people who establish and enforce proper boundaries.

Those include not only fences around property but also fences that clearly establish economic, spiritual and moral boundaries. But there can be no “wealth of nations” without “moral sentiments.”

This is an often overlooked lesson from Messiah Yeshua’s parable of the prodigal son.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Take comfort that Heaven will deliver us from things worse than death (Isaiah 40)

When we think about living in a tumultuous time, when things seem to be coming apart at the seams, nationally or personally, take heart in the comfort that God has carried His people through all sorts of challenges and terrible things. That’s the message we can glean from Isaiah 40, a special parallel reading for the Torah reading ואתחנן Va’etchanan (“and I pleaded,” Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11) about mourning what has been lost and hoping in what lies ahead.

No matter what we are facing personally or how bad we think the situation of the country or world, we must remember that there are many who have gone before us who have faced and endures far worse than this. For those who believed in God, they made it through by depending on God, regardless of whether they would make it through or succumb. They learned — and we must too — that there is something worse than death.

Many in the United States and elsewhere have forgotten that there are things worse than death. They have willingly given up basic freedoms — of speech, worship and assembly — for the false hope that they might extend their lives on Earth by doing so.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Why the Messiah has so much zeal for the LORD’s house. And why we should too (Numbers 25; John 2)

Passion to safeguard the ways of the LORD for future generation links the Torah reading פינחס Pinchas (Numbers 25:10–30:1) with its parallel passages about the final days of the First Temple (Jeremiah 1:1–2:3) and the anger from Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ) about the turning of the Second Temple into a “den of robbers” (John 2:13–22). Those accounts underscore that God has a passionate love for His people and doesn’t want them to succumb to the disastrous ends of their passions.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

Red heifer and Messiah: Death isn’t supposed to a normal part of life (Numbers 19; Hebrews 9)

The Torah reading חֻקַּת Chukat (Numbers 19-21) is the prerequisite to understanding Hebrews 9, and the latter’s explanation of how Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Messiah) cleanses our consciences from rebellion against the Creator is essential to understanding the Torah’s life-affirming yet mysterious lessons of the red heifer and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement).

Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

What strong, selfless leadership looks like (Numbers 16–17; Matthew 12; Luke 6)

How did Moses, Aaron, Samuel and Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ) responded to those who rejected their leadership and betrayed them in the most heartbreaking and cruel ways? They responded to insult and betrayal with dignity and humility, asking God to judge those who slandered and betrayed them, not seeking their own vengeance.

The Torah reading קֹרַח Korakh, covering the infamous Korah rebellion in Numbers 16-18, and companion passages from 1Samuel and the Gospels show us how the Golden Rule is a key to transforming leaders and individuals to look out for the needs of others to ensure the survival of us all.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

Are you hungry for God? Or are you bored? (Numbers 11; John 6)

We find in the Torah reading בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ Beha’alotcha an interesting juxtaposition of the elders who were picked to be the LORD’s hands and mouth helping Moshe (Moses) in Israel vs. those who wanted to stuff their mouths with the flesh of Mitzraim (Egypt). The latter were “greedy” for “meat” and not the manna bread that came down from Heaven. Yet God provided those ungrateful complainers both.

his account helps reveal the important point behind the controversially cryptic words of Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ) in John 6: “eat My flesh” and “drink My blood.”

Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

Heaven needs you in the ‘big tent’ plan to transform the world (Numbers 4–6; Acts 21–22)

While sponsoring four who were finishing their Nazarite vow (Num. 6:1–21, Messiah Yeshua’s shaliach (apostle) Paul connected the importance of the Torah as the guidebook for believers with his mission to take the good news of the focus of that guidebook (Messiah) to the nations who would hear it (Acts 21:15–22:24). The lessons of the Nazarite vow are key to Paul’s lesson.

Two key lessons from the Torah reading נָשֹׂא Nasso (“take up” or “carry,” Num. 4:21–7:89) are that the Holy One of Israel has always been concerned about lifting up the powerless (emphasized in the supernatural burden of proof for a jealous husband) and preparing the people of the world to enter Heaven’s “big tent” plan to accommodate many in the people of God.