
‘Esther’s Legacy’: A historical look at numerous assaults against Jews and the response from by-standers

In the Book of Esther, Mordecai encourages Esther to stand up for her people in the face of powers bent on destruction of the Jews (Esther 4:13-14). This article takes a historical look of various attacks against the community and the nation and compares these assaults to the patterns shown in the Book of Esther.

Discussions Purim

Purim: Book of Esther tells a never-old tale of hatred against God’s blessed servants

The “Preacher” in Ecclesiastes said “there is nothing new under the sun.” The hatred against Yehudah, the Jews, has persisted throughout time, and the spirit of Amalek has taken many forms, including Haman, Antiochus IV, etc. Yet the LORD has kept Israel in the form of mostly Yehudah intact. Through Yehudah came the Messiah, the Seed of Eve Who crushed the serpent’s head and the Seed of Abraham Who brought God’s blessing to the world. That preservation of Yehudah above all odds through the eons, in the face of concerted genocidal efforts, is testimony that indeed the LORD is the one at work.

Apostolic Writings Appointments With God Chanukah Discussions Passover Tabernacles

‘In the fullness of time’ — an ‘appointed time’ for Yeshua’s birth

Yeshua (Jesus) said His “time” had come at that Passover He died as the Lamb of God. Yet, likely there was an “appointed time” for His conception and birth that was in line with “appointments” the LORD already had established.


Question: What is the relationship between law and grace?

Question: What is the relationship between law and grace? Some say verse such as the following suggest grace abolishes the Law, “For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace” (Rom. 6:14).

Apostolic Writings Appointments With God

Luke 1: Miriam’s prayer on Chanukah

Many claim that the birthdate of Yeshua (Jesus) isn’t recorded in the Bible, but the historical references in Luke 1 and the prayer of Miriam (Mary) on the day the angel Gabriel announced the conception of Messiah in her carry the themes of dedication to God, the focus of Chanukah, the Festival of Dedication.

Appointments With God The Eighth Day

The Eighth Day — sight for the blind who want to see God and blindness for those who claim to see Him but don’t Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:07:33 — )Subscribe: RSSIn part 3 of this discussion of the Eighth Day in John 7-10, the healing of the blind man and the parable of the door for the sheep corral show how believers in Yeshua as God’s Messiah will see the “a new heavens and […]

Appointments With God Tabernacles The Eighth Day

The Eighth Day — enlightening the leadership on the Light, the Truth, the Father Play in new window | Download (Duration: 53:48 — )Subscribe: RSSYeshua continues His theme of His being the Light of Life, Who brings hope to the condemned and penitent, a theme developed in John 8-9. God’s mercy and a new beginning are integral to the Eighth Day, an important appointment with God right after […]