
Dance demonstration: “Ephraim & Judah”

Learn Davidic dance steps for the Messianic song “Ephraim & Judah” by Lenny & Varda Harris.


Dance demonstration: “Adonai Li, Lo Ira” (The LORD Is With Me; I Won’t Be Afraid)

Learn Davidic dance steps to the Messianic song “Adonai Li, Lo Ira” by Ted Pearce Project.

Dance New Moon

Dance demonstration: “New Moon”

Learn Davidic dance steps to the song “New Moon” by Craig Taubman.


Dance demonstration: “Mashiach ben-David”

Learn Davidic dance steps to the Messianic song “Mashiach ben-David” by Lenny and Varda Harris.

Appointments With God Tabernacles

Sukkot: Return of the King

Susan Pierce explores Bible passages on kings and kingdom and the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, which looks forward to return of King Yeshua (Jesus) to establish God’s kingdom on earth.

Appointments With God Passover Unleavened Bread

Yeshua fulfills Pesakh completely

At the time of the Exodus, YHWH (God’s personal name in Hebrew, often translated as “the LORD”) told the people of Israel to have a “lamb for a household” (Exodus 12:3). Usually 10 people could manage to consume a whole lamb. Smaller groups joined together to form a chaverim, Hebrew for “a group of friends,” and that formed a mishpokhah, “a family group.” Paul talks about believers being the “household of God” (1st Timothy 3:15) because there is a “lamb for the household.”

Appointments With God

‘Observing’ & ‘remembering’ the Feasts of the LORD Play in new window | Download (Duration: 52:14 — 12.0MB)Subscribe: RSSSpeaker: Susan Pierce [contact] “You shall remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and you shall be careful to observe these statutes.” —Deuteronomy 16:12  = El Shaddai in Hebrew. It points to a hidden The name of HaShem, YHVH, has been translated mostly […]