Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Good character is more than skin deep (Leviticus 13)

Some people studying the Torah portion תזריע Tazria (“she will conceive,” Leviticus 12–13) enjoy picking apart the descriptions of the צָרַעַת Tzaraat, commonly translated as “leprosy,” to see how they similar to or different from skin ailments that are known in our modern age.

But such speculations distract us from the most important lesson of Tzaraat: It was primarily a spiritual disease, not a physical ailment. God used it to correct those with לשון הרע lashon ha-ra the “evil tongue”: gossips and slanderers. Those actions came either temporarily, as He did to Miriam, the sister of Moses, or as a life sentence as he did to King Uzziah and Gehazi, the servant of Elisha.

Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Get real about faith: God doesn’t want — or need — your virtue signals (Leviticus 6–8; Hosea 6)

We may soothe ourselves by saying, “I’m glad we don’t do that sacrifice stuff anymore!” But at key lesson of the Torah reading צו Tzav (“command,” Lev. 6:8–8:36) is that God is concerned about how we bring our offering of ourselves — who we are on the inside — on top of the instructions for the what and the how of the offerings.

We all need to figure out what our offering to God will be. Will our offerings be of shallow faith, shallow love, shallow actions? Or will our offerings come from a deep faith, deep action, deep love for God?

Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

God wants to make you wealthy. It’s just not what you think (Luke 16)

The world doesn’t cancel debts. It seeks vengeance. Only Heaven willingly cancels debts stacked against it. And if we want to be citizens of Heaven, we should willingly cancel the debts against us too. That’s the lesson behind the Torah reading פקודי Pekudei (“accounts” or “countings,” Ex. 38:21–40:38) and the parable by Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) of the unjust steward (Luke 16:1–17).

Discussions Life With God Prayer Torah

From shame to new name: Power to achieve God’s high expectations (Exodus 30–34)

The slide of ancient Israel from redemption by God from slavery in Mitzraim (Egypt) down to apostasy from God at the golden calf is an important and enduring lesson from the Torah reading כי תשא Ki Tisa (“when you take,” Ex. 30:11–34:35).

And the intercessory prayers of Moshe (Moses) and Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) to redeem after great treachery are examples for how we should view those around us.

Discussions Torah

Covered by mercy: Meeting Messiah via the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25)

The tablets in the Ark of the Covenant represents the heart of God, with His law (the Ten Commandments) written on them. In the Torah reading תְּרוּמָה Terumah (“contribution,” Exodus 25:1–27:19), we explore the detailed instructions from Heaven on how to build that precious container.

The high priest, the Ark of the Covenant and the Messiah are synonymous. They have God’s law written on their hearts, and God’s words are at the core of who and what they are.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

Jethro vs. Amalek: Humility vs. arrogance before God (Exodus 18–19)

God gave Moshe (Moses) a very wise and discerning father-in-law. Yitro (Jethro) was a blessing to Moshe all the days of his life. The Torah reading יתרו Yitro (Exodus 18:1–20:23) shows us how he saved Moshe from burnout. 

Yitro’s humble advice to Moshe resonates with all of us as he encourages us to not take more work than we can handle and to be willing ask for help from those in our lives who have been blessed by God with discernment and mercy.

Just as Moshe delegated the spirit of discernment on the elders of Israel, how much more would Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) delegate the Spirit of God to His students and those who do His work on Earth.

Discussions Torah

Could Pharaoh have repented?: Lessons from Messiah and apostle Paul (Exodus 6–9)

The God that spoke to the Pharaoh of Joseph was the same God Who spoke to the Pharaoh of Moses, who we meet in the Torah reading וארא Va’era (“I appeared,” Exodus 6:2–9:35). God does not change or grow, but He expects us to grow and change for the better. When we do, He is pleased. When we don’t, He is not pleased. 

God showed great favor to the “Pharaoh who knew Joseph” because this Pharaoh accepted the warnings given to him by God and by Joseph. He and his people were blessed because of his humility and wisdom. 

Similarly, the chief priests wouldn’t relent from their jealousy against Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ), yet Paul turned did turn away from his equally zealous persecution of believers.