Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 1-10 recap

We see a pattern of preparation and deliverance throughout the Bible. The book of Judges is one example but the pattern is even more obvious in 1st Samuel. God prepares the people of Israel to move from leadership of judges and priests to the leadership of monarchy.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 31 — Saul’s final battle

Few generals and kings approach an upcoming battle and know for absolute certainty that they will be dead by the end of it. This was Saul’s predicament here. The burden of that knowledge must have been unbearable. Questions about how Saul actually died abound since there seems to be two different version of the story in the Scriptures which need to be reconciled. This chapter also sparked conversation about ancient Israelite burial methods and suicide.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 29-30 — David is rebuffed by Philistia in fighting Israel but he rescues his wives

David volunteers to follow the Philistines into war but the Philistine leaders rebuke him and send him away. David remains in favor with Achish as he leaves the Philistines in peace and they battle the Israelites on their own. This release from service was a blessing because David had to rescue his wives and family as well as the families of his men from the raiding Amalekites.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 28-29 — Sha’ul sought knowledge from God, resorted to a medium when God stopped talking to him

As Saul faced his end, he became so frustrated with God’s silence that he sought out counsel in a way he knew was wrong. David, on the other hand, considered coming back to Israel alongside the Philistine army but is rebuffed just as Saul was rebuffed by God — and Samuel.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 27 — David flees Saul to Philistia

David grows weary of trying to keeping one step away from Saul in the land. David doesn’t want Israelite blood on his hands so he flees to Philistia to hide from Saul there. During his time under the Philistines, David continues his attacks on the enemies of God.0

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 25 — Samuel dies, David marries Abigail

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 24 — Saul continues to hunt David; David cuts Saul’s robe

Saul continues to pursue David into En Gedi, a mountainous region on the western shore of what is now called the Dead Sea. Saul thinks he has the upper hand but David is given the opportunity to turn the tables on Saul and deliver himself from Saul’s pursuit, yet David holds back and does not kill Saul. David’s actions fulfilled a prophesy and sent a message to Saul which Saul acknowledged for a time.