Discussions Torah

Deeper meaning of First Fruits: Give God your first & best (Deuteronomy 26–27)

The first fruits offering explored in this study of the Torah reading כִּי־תָבוֹא Ki Tavo (Deuteronomy 26:1–29:9) reveals God’s desire for our hearts — not just our outward obedience. The narrative reminds us that despite our struggles and feelings of worthlessness, God values us deeply. Tithing further demonstrates how we are to share our blessings with others.

Yet the sobering curses warn that internal rebellion has severe consequences, even to the point of unthinkable acts.

These passages call us to examine our motives and align our hearts with God’s. For when we do, the prophecies of restoration reveal the bountiful blessings that await those who wholeheartedly return to the LORD.

Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Fearing the Almighty: Balancing reverence and love in our walk with Messiah (Deuteronomy 3–4; Isaiah 40)

This study on the Torah portion Vaetchanan (Deuteronomy 3:23–7:11) challenges our understanding of God’s glory and how we approach Him in prayer. It reveals that God’s glory is not found in miracles or creation, but in His very words. Altering or disregarding these words is akin to idolatry.

The discussion explores the delicate balance of fearing and loving God, and the sobering reality that even Moses’ prayers were rejected. Referencing Isaiah 40, Matthew 23 and other passages, this study urges us to humbly submit to God’s instructions, lest our prayers become an abomination. The way we handle God’s word has eternal consequences.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

From soothsayer to Savior: Balaam’s prophetic foreshadowing of the Messiah (Numbers 22–24)

The story of Bilam (Balaam) and his donkey in the Torah reading בָּלָק Balak (Numbers 22:2–25:9) reveals striking parallels to Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus). In this study, we’ll see that like the donkey, the Messiah was a humble Servant who faithfully followed God’s instructions, even when it led to a dangerous path. Both Balaam and the Messiah were tasked with blessing or cursing, but the Messiah’s blessings ultimately proved more powerful. The donkey’s ability to perceive danger and change course foreshadows the Messiah’s wisdom and discernment. Just as the donkey’s eyes were opened to reveal the angel, the Messiah’s death and resurrection opened the eyes of many to see the truth. These symbolic connections invite deeper reflection on the Messiah’s role as a servant and prophet.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Spiritual secrets of the Nazarite vow (Numbers 6; Judges 13–16; 1Samuel 1; Revelation 14)

This study on the Torah reading נָשֹׂא Nasso (“take up” or “carry,” Num. 4:21–7:89) focuses on the Nazarite/Nazirite vow (Numbers 6:2-21), which calls one to dedicate body and soul to God’s service. Samson (Judges 13-16) and Samuel (1Samuel 1:11) exemplified this, though imperfectly. Symbolically avoiding grapes (Revelation 14:19-20), corpses, and cutting hair (Numbers 6:5), Nazarites shunned death from sin (1Corinthians 15:56). Their supernatural strength came through God’s spirit (Judges 14:6), not fleshly power. Ultimately, Yeshua (Jesus) could be seen as the perfect Nazarite (Matthew 2:23), filling up the vow’s purpose perfectly through His death and resurrection (1Corinthians 15:3-4), calling us to die to sin and live for God.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Clearing the ‘sins of the fathers’: How repentance breaks generational curses (Leviticus 22; 1Kings 2; 1Samuel 21–22; Matthew 12)

God has a grand design unfolding over eons and generations, using even flawed individuals to fulfill prophecy. This study explores how through King Saul’s massacre of the priests who gave fugitive David some of the retired Bread of the Presence, God removed Eli’s sinful priestly line as foretold years earlier. Though Saul faced due punishment, God first used his wickedness to kill Eli’s descendants as promised.

Generations after that promise and hundreds of years after the instructions given in Torah reading אָמַר Emor (“say,” Leviticus 21–24), David felt convicted for the priests’ and neighboring villagers’ death but not for what might be considered a minor Torah breach. Yet Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) affirmed that God held David guiltless. God’s plan surpassed surface events, working through personalities with long-term consequences.

Discussions Torah

From isolation to community: The journey of restoration (Leviticus 14–15; 2Kings 7; Matthew 8; Luke 17; Isaiah 53; 1John 5)

The Torah’s cleansing process for “leprosy” in people and houses recorded in Torah reading מְּצֹרָע Metzora (“leper,” Leviticus 14–15) symbolized restoration, yet isolated the “unclean.” This study explores how Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) in Matthew 8 and Luke 17 inverted this process by providing immediate healing and instructing the restored to offer sacrifices, just as the Torah prescribed, yet welcoming all into God’s presence through faith in His atoning work. A similar lesson comes from an account in 2Kings 7 of four lepers.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

Moses shows us why Yeshua is a greater priest than Aaron (Exodus 38–40; 1Peter 2; John 5; 1Corinthians 15)

Moses prefigured the role of Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah through their similar leadership styles and tasks given by God. This study of Torah reading פְקוּדֵי Pekudei (“accounts,” Exodus 38:21–40:38) examines how both were chosen directly by God, had authority over the priesthood, delegated work while overseeing God’s house, and turned the house over to God once completed, demonstrating their shared purpose in fulfilling God’s plan of salvation. Studying Moses helps Christians better understand Yeshua.