Discussions Prophets and Writings

‘Let your light shine among men’: When God’s people need re-enlightenment (Zechariah 1–4)

The prophet Zechariah had a special relationship with God. He received eight prophesies in the same night then additional prophesies and visions as well. Many of these messages reveal important information about the identity and calling of the future Messiah — Yeshua (Jesus)

Zechariah was a descendant of Aaron the high priest and most likely born in Babylon or Persia during the Babylonian exile. Zechariah was a contemporary of the prophet Haggai. Both tell us that even when the people of God are in exile and living in subjection to pagan powers, God is in control and remembers His people. He hasn’t forgotten their mission or their calling. Heaven brings on the exiles to re-awaken the people to that mission.