Interpretations of the book of Revelation are numerous, but one key to understanding the mysterious imagery is to find where the same images appear earlier in the Bible. Discover in this study on the Feast of Trumpets how the account of the Exodus and the writings of the prophets Joel, Zechariah, Isaiah and others reveal how the seven trumpets of Revelation point to judgment starting at the house of God.
Tag: trumpet
“Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice” (John 18:38 NASB). The Day of Blowing Trumpets (Yom Teruah, aka Rosh haShanah) is an appointed time that comes every year, but it’s also a prophecy of a future appointed event. Are you ready? These 10 Days of Awe between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) were given to us as a reminder to prepare our hearts to welcome God’s voice and the coming of God’s Anointed, Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ), rather than run from them in fear of judgment.
The reason for the high holy day of Yom Teruah, the Day of Blowing (Trumpets) aka Rosh HaShanah (New Year), is not as obvious as all the others. As we “look under the hood,” we find that it calls us to accept godly change without hesitation.
These silver trumpets have two primary purposes: to summon the congregation and to set out on their journey. The silver trumpet is used to make people alert and get attention. It is also used to sound the alarm of battle. It is the High Priest or His representatives who are to blow these silver trumpets. This job cannot be performed by a person who is not of the priestly line. It will be like this in the end time, as well, when a representative of our High Priest Yeshua will blow the final trumpet blasts to summon His people to resurrection and war against evil.
Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) is not just about being raised from the dead or being changed but being with the Son of God and sharing in what the Son of God is going to do. We will be a part of it. All power and authority on the Earth will be in the Messiah’s hands, because we know what kind of person the Messiah is, because we trust Him. But as the book of Ezekiel tells us, we should always be diligent and prepared for His coming.
The lesson of the Feast of Trumpets is a clarion call to Messiah Yeshua. We, as believers in Yeshua, are waiting to hear and respond to a certain trumpet sound, the last trumpet sound. That is what we wait for.
The Messiah says the last trumpet will be great, powerful sound. There is hope for us that we can rejoice that He is showing us and teaching us that He is the resurrection and the life. We live in the hope that He will restore Israel to her former glory and, according to the book of Acts, He will restore the Gentiles who have joined the House of Ya’akob (Jacob) too.
In chapter 10, use of two silver trumpets is explained, such as calling together the people to celebrate the New Moon and other appointed times. In chapter 11, the people of Israel call out for more than meat and manna, and God curses the cravers with copious quail followed by a plague.