Discussions Prophets and Writings

2 steps to repentance: Turn away from what’s bad; turn toward Who’s good

The Shabbat (Sabbath) between Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is called the Shabbat Shuvah, or Sabbath of Restoration/Return.

Traditional readings for this day from the prophets Hosea, Micah and Joel warn us that when our spiritual eyes are opened, He will show us where our community, our nation has veered away from Him, just as He will show us where we have turned away from Him on a personal level.

During this time of preparation for God’s judgement, we have an opportunity to see where have we gone off the right path. We should want to turn away from evil and turn back to the good. God has promised us through all the Prophets, the Apostles and through the Messiah Himself that the heart of God is toward His people. Heaven is looking for us to repent and change our hearts towards Him.