Apostolic Writings Appointments With God Discussions Pentecost/Shavuot Prophets and Writings Torah

Loyalty over ancestry: What really matters to God (Ruth 1–4; Exodus 20; John 4)

In this study on Shavuot (Pentecost), we see how we’re reminded annually of Heaven’s mission to call all nations and a promise to do that through His Son as King of Kings over Jew and goy (Gentile) alike. The Book of Ruth depicts a woman of Moab embraced by Israel through her faith: “Your people will be my people; your God my God.”

The Holy One’s promise to bless the world through Abraham was a legacy that stretched through Ruth’s lineage to King David to Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus).

Yeshua’s visit to Samaria (John 4) ignored long-held social barriers and showed that the good news of the Kingdom includes Gentiles. The Ten Commandments given at Sinai points all those called people to righteousness, starting with Israel.