Discussions Torah

Ya’acov returns to Beit ’El; messianic last words of Rachel (Genesis 35)

We boast in our pride, we constantly demand our rights, we put our trust in our government to protect these rights, but we don’t ask God to protect us. Ya’akov (Jacob) needed to return to Beit ’El (Bethel) to fulfill the vow he had made to the LORD when he was fleeing from Esau.

God protected Ya’akov and his entourage from being pursued by those who would have wanted to take revenge on Ya’akov’s family for what happened in Shechem (Genesis 34). He put a great terror on those who wanted to pursue them and convinced them to leave them alone.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 26: Yitzkhak flees a famine, digs wells in Canaan

Yitzhkak (Isaac) seems to have repeated a number of events from Abraham’s life: a famine and claiming his wife was his sister. Yitzkhak also seems to have been obsessed with digging wells, but what should get our attention are messianic symbols of three days of live and death in the ground.

Discussions Torah

Death of Abraham, prophecy of Rivkah’s warring children and connections to Creation and the Flood (Genesis 25)

What is the connection between this account of the death of Abraham and the prophecy of warring children in the womb of Rivkah (Rebecca) and the accounts of Creation and of the Flood?

Discussions Torah

When Yitzkhak met Rivkah (Genesis 24)

God had a wife in mind for Yitzkhak. Although the servant Abraham sent to find her didn’t know who she was or whether she would respond to the call, God knew who He had chosen, and Abraham had faith that God would send His angel ahead of the servant.

Appointments With God Chanukah Discussions

Chanukah celebrates 6 dedicated women

What do the following six important women in the Bible have in common? How did their experiences shape the future of the people of God?

Discussions Torah

Genesis 15–28 recap — Vision vs. trance; sons of God, daughters of men, unequal yoking

This section of Genesis introduces us to Abraham and his family. We start to see how God communicates His revelation through Abraham’s family (not just the men, but the women as well). We also rediscover how God calls, trains and corrects those He longs to call His sons and daughters.

Discussions Torah

The account of God’s first dealings with man so far — a recap of Genesis 1–36

Before studying the life of Yosef (Joseph), we look back at some of what we have learned about God and His interaction with some of His notable people. The Flood and the Tower of Babel were the two most monumental events in mankind’s history. Everything we experience today is the result of these two events.