Discussions Torah

Genesis 6: Evil multiplies on Earth as ‘sons of God’ marry ‘daughters of men’

Some may have no idea what this chapter is about, with “sons of God” marrying “daughters of men” and the “Nephilim.” Some may also have some profound, over-the-top notions about the meaning of this chapter, but if you read this chapter in the context of the previous chapters, the fanciful and salacious interpretations fall by the wayside.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 8: Remembering Noah and agonizing over the Flood

The LORD ended the judgment of the Flood, as recorded in Genesis 8. The remembering of Noakh (Noah) and the sorrow of the LORD over the Flood foreshadow what God will be feeling in the last days when He must bring final judgment.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 7: Days of Noah and the days of the Son of Man

Messiah Yeshuah (Jesus) said that the days of Noakh (Noah) would be like the last days before Yeshua’s return. We read in Genesis 6-7 what Noakh’s generation and his righteousness were like.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 6: ‘Days of Noah’ foreshadow the last days

Messiah Yeshuah (Jesus) said that the days of Noakh (Noah) would be like the last days before Yeshua’s return. What was Noakh’s generation like, and what can we learn from his righteousness in that time?