Discussions Torah

Numbers 30: Daughter of Zion and the Father’s prerogative

Asking for a father’s permission to marry his daughter is viewed as comically anachronistic today. Likewise, these instructions for a father’s ability to annul a daughter’s vow seem a relic of yesteryear. Yet God teaches through object lessons, and what’s being communicated here is far more important than a surface impression.

Appointments With God Discussions Torah

Messiah in offerings on Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles (Numbers 29)

Learn how to see Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) in the qorbanot (offerings, sacrifices) presented in the Tabernacle on the moedim (appointed times, festivals) of Yom Teruah (Day of Blowing Trumpets), Yom haKippurim (Day of Atonement) and Sukkot (Tabernacles).

Discussions Torah

Meaning behind monthly, Passover and Pentecost offerings (Numbers 28:11–31)

Learn how to see Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) in the qorbanot (offerings, sacrifices) presented at the Tabernacle of Israel on each Rosh Chodesh (New Moon), Pesakh (Passover) and Shavu’ot (Pentecost).

Discussions Torah

Messiah in daily and Sabbath offerings (Numbers 28:1-10)

Learn how to see Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) in the tamid (continual, morning and evening) and Shabbat (Sabbath) offerings.

Discussions Torah

Accounting for light and righteousness in Israel (Numbers 26–27)

After various plagues and judgments over the 40 years of wandering in wilderness, God called for Israel to be counted again. It was also time to divide the Promised Land among the 12 tribes, based on the wisdom of God’s light and righteousness.

Discussions Torah

Perpetual priesthood of peace and mercy for wayward Israel (Numbers 25)

Have you been “dragged away and enticed” by something that seems irresistibly appealing? Feel like God could never take you back? A false prophet enticed Israel away from God with sex, but God’s ambassador was there to mend the relationship.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 24: Balaam sees Messiah’s not-yet coming

The cryptic lines of Balaam’s reluctant blessing of Israel contains pictures of what Israel should expect in its Messiah.