Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

From barrenness to blessing: The miraculous births that changed history (Genesis 21; 1Samuel 1; Matthew 1)

The promised Seed of Eve was destined from the beginning of the world to crush the head of the one who brought misery to Earth. That Seed is traced through the miraculous births of Isaac, Samuel and ultimately Immanuel — the Messiah, God with us. Amidst human failings and spiritual decline, God’s sovereign plan unfolds, revealing a trajectory from Eden to eternity, where the glory of His presence is restored. This study of Genesis 21, 1Samuel 1–2 and Matthew 1 invites us to trust the Creator’s promises, discern His ways, and anticipate the coming of the King who will establish His eternal kingdom.

Discussions Torah

Esau’s birthright and the Israel–Gaza conflict (Genesis 25:19–28:9)

This study of the Torah portion תּוֹלְדֹת Toldot (“generations,” Gen. 25:19–28:9) explores the concept of teamwork in prayer through the story of Isaac and Rebecca, who prayed together for 20 years to conceive children. We delve into biblical relationships, highlighting the patience and perseverance demonstrated by the patriarchs and matriarchs. Comparisons between the sons of the Spirit and flesh, represented by Jacob and Esau, shed light on the importance of spiritual and physical completeness.

We also explore the descendants of Jacob, Esau and historical figures, emphasizing the ramifications of short-term thinking versus long-term vision. It draws parallels between biblical narratives and contemporary geopolitical conflicts, reflecting on how perspectives and narratives can shape perceptions and actions.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 25:19–28:9: ‘Be perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect’

One lesson from the life of Esau in Torah reading תּוֹלְדֹת Toldot/Toledot (“generations,” Genesis 25:19–28:9) is who and where we came from doesn’t necessarily define who we are or will become. Another takeaway is to recognize the good around us and become wise to the frequent folly of “following your heart” after what appears to be good. This is why Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) wants us to learn how to be “complete,” not lacking in anything.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 18–22: Open your eyes when God ‘shows up’

God “shows up” all over the place in events recorded in the Bible and today, but He is not passive. Rather, the LORD is active in Earth’s affairs. 

A pattern of behavior we see in the Torah reading וַיֵּרָא Vayera (“and He appeared”) is that when people are in “fight or flight” mode, they usually make very poor decisions. Lot’s “bright idea” to give his daughters to protect his guests from a vile mob, Lot’s daughter’s “bright idea” to get pregnant by their father a mere few days after they escaped from Sodom’s flames, and later Abraham and Sarah’s decision to lie to Abimelech about the extent of their kinship, all these poor decision had consequences. 

We will see through the testimony of the words of God the interplay between the promised one, Yitskhak (Isaac), and the one born only through the flesh, Yishma’el (Ishmael).

Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Genesis 25:19–28:9: Esau lives out why ‘following your heart’ can be folly

The “big picture” lessons of Parashat Toldot both come to us from the life of Esau. First, we need to understand that who and where we came from doesn’t necessarily define who we are or will become. Second, we need to recognize the good around us and become wise to the frequent folly of “following your heart.”

Discussions Torah

Abraham: An example of hope and trust in God, part 2

This is a review of 11 examples of Abraham’s faith in God in Genesis 17-23. It culminates in his trusting God to resurrect the son of the promise, Yitskhak (Isaac), and in buying property in the Land to bury those also trusting in God to resurrect them.

Discussions Torah

Abraham: An example of hope and trust in God, part 1

This is the first part of a recap of Abraham’s life, looking at about two dozen key events that show why God picked him to be the start of a special group of people on Earth and to be a key example of trust in God being considered righteousness.