Discussions Torah

6 pillars of purposeful partnership in life and faith (Genesis 24; Isaiah 12–14; James 4)

This study of Genesis 24:42-67; Isaiah 12:3-14:2; and James 4:13-17 explores divine guidance through Abraham’s journey of faith. The passages reveal God’s sovereignty in human plans, emphasizing trust, humility and seeking Heaven’s wisdom. Abraham in six ways shows how marriage is a sacred covenant requiring parental involvement, mutual respect, and spiritual alignment. We find true contentment by aligning our lives with God’s eternal plan, rather than chasing fleeting worldly pursuits.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 23:1–25:18: A time to rebel and a time to trust

God put a degree of rebelliousness in all of us because sometimes we have to have a rebellious spirit. When the culture around us, whether it’s in our own family or our national culture, is wicked and evil, we have to have the fortitude to rebel against that and stand firm in living the way that is right.

The name of the Torah portion חיי שרה Chayei Sarah means “life of Sarah,” but it starts with the matriarch’s death. We see how Abraham works hard to find a final resting place for her, but her death had a huge impact on Yitzkhak (Isaac) as well, affecting him for years. Her death also played a larger than life role in how Abraham’s most trusted servant, Eliazer of Damascus, set out to find a suitable wife for Yitzkhak to carry out Abraham’s legacy.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 18–22: Open your eyes when God ‘shows up’

God “shows up” all over the place in events recorded in the Bible and today, but He is not passive. Rather, the LORD is active in Earth’s affairs. 

A pattern of behavior we see in the Torah reading וַיֵּרָא Vayera (“and He appeared”) is that when people are in “fight or flight” mode, they usually make very poor decisions. Lot’s “bright idea” to give his daughters to protect his guests from a vile mob, Lot’s daughter’s “bright idea” to get pregnant by their father a mere few days after they escaped from Sodom’s flames, and later Abraham and Sarah’s decision to lie to Abimelech about the extent of their kinship, all these poor decision had consequences. 

We will see through the testimony of the words of God the interplay between the promised one, Yitskhak (Isaac), and the one born only through the flesh, Yishma’el (Ishmael).

Discussions Torah

Genesis 25:19–28:9: What does Heaven really want from me?

It’s difficult for those of us who are naturally rebellious to understand God’s will. But if we have our eyes and hearts open, we can find out what it is. That’s what the Bible accounts of Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob and Esau teach us. In the Torah section Toldot (Genesis 25:19–28:9), we explore the beginning of Isaac’s account in earnest and how the battle over Esau’s birthright and blessing reveals God’s Spirit in us battles our fleshly clinging to our old way of life.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 23:1–25:18: Sarah’s ‘lives’ and our ‘new creation’

When we are pushed to our limits, God promises us that the ways of the Kingdom of God are far more profitable in the long term than trying to avoid pain. That’s what Abraham and Sarah learned over many years of their lives. It’s all the more relevant today for increasing social and physical pressure put on believers in the Holy One of Israel and the Anointed One of God. This lesson of faith is the backdrop of the Torah section Chayei Sarah (“life of Sarah,” Gen. 23:1–25:18).

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Genesis 28:10-32:3: Is it better to learn through mistakes?

Ya’akov had to flee his family because of how he deceived his father to obtain the blessing that was his in the first place and he meets with God at Bethel. From there, he becomes even more acquainted with deception at the hands of Laban, but as the victim, not the perpetrator. During this time, God humbled Ya’akov, brought his flesh low so he could live in the Spirit. It’s a pity that the descendants of his grandson Ephraim chose to live by his fleshly example rather than his spiritual example.

Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Genesis 23:1-25:18: Believers’ bargain bonanza from Sarah and Rivkah

Why did Abraham the nomadic “father of faith” pay so much for a tomb for his wife Sarah? What’s the connection between Abraham’s and King David’s picking a certain son as the successor over other, older sons? Are does the symbol of a well in the account of Yitzkhak marrying Rivkah and in Yeshua’s encounter with the Samaritan woman teach us about the Mashiakh’s work of bringing new life out of death? These are questions tackled in this discussion of the Torah portion Chayei Sarah (“life of Sarah”), covering Genesis 23-25.