Why would the Tabernacle be covered with the skin of an unclean animal? Why would God call Himself by the name of a pagan god? Here are answers to such questions from the Torah reading בְּמִדְבַּר Bemidbar (“in the wilderness,” Num. 1:1–4:20).

Why would the Tabernacle be covered with the skin of an unclean animal? Why would God call Himself by the name of a pagan god? Here are answers to such questions from the Torah reading בְּמִדְבַּר Bemidbar (“in the wilderness,” Num. 1:1–4:20).
One of the last warnings Heaven has for Earth is that it has serious commitment and infidelity issues. The people don’t know the Maker because of cultural drift over decades or eons, or the people have had a relationship with the God revealed through Israel but want something else.
As the annual Feast of Weeks (Shavuot, aka Pentecost) approaches quickly (May 17 this year), we are focusing in this study on the opening chapters of the Bible book of Hosea. One of the themes of Shavuot is the “marriage” of Israel and Heaven at Sinai with the giving of the Ten Words (aka Ten Commandments, Exodus 19-20) and the joining of the nations to the Holy One (Acts 2). And Hosea begins with an extended living parable for Israel through the prophets dysfunctional family.
The promiscuous wife of a prophet of Israel and the mother of mankind walk into a Bible lesson…. The joke is on us if we don’t catch why the Hoshea (Hosea) was told to marry a harlot and connect her predicament of being discovered to the test given to Chavah (Eve) at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad (Genesis 3–4).
Here’s a hint: “Nakedness” is an important symbol of a spiritual condition used in teachings in the Hebrew and Apostolic scriptures.
You and I are similar to Gomer. When we sin, we want to “get away with it.” We don’t want our sin revealed. We still have to have control over our desires.